If you are driving in a car with a driver who is texting at the wheel, then your chances of being involved in an auto accident increase significantly. However, there is much that you can do as a passenger to avoid car accidents caused by distracted driving.
Most motorists are aware of the dangers of texting while driving, but unfortunately, that does not necessarily prevent many of them from using their texting devices while driving. Georgia has laws that ban sending or receiving text messages while driving, but there are far too many drivers who abuse cell phone privileges behind the wheel. However, passengers may have a big role to play in helping reduce the incidence of such behaviors.
Insurance provider Erie recently consulted with a psychologist, and provided tips for passengers who see the driver of the car texting while driving. It is imperative that you speak up when you are traveling in a car and you see the driver texting while driving. Erie’s advice is that you negotiate with the driver. Tell him that if he or she really needs to be on his cell phone, you can take over his driving duties while he continues with his text messaging or cell phone conversation. This makes the driver aware that you are uncomfortable with the fact that he is texting while driving, and also gives him an alternate option that allows him to continue texting while ensuring everyone’s safety.