Articles Tagged with gear to wear if on a motorcycle

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As  the year’s peak motorcycling season descends on us, it is important for motorcyclists to evaluate all of their gear and make sure that everything is in prime condition to prevent personal injuries in an auto accident. Keeping the gear in good condition is an important safety measure.

The  summer months are the busiest motorcycling days of the year, and Georgia roads are likely to see an increase in the number of motorcycles over the next few weeks.  While motorists in cars and trucks enjoy plenty of protection in the form of seatbelts and airbag systems as well as crash avoidance tech, motorcyclists are not as lucky.  They must depend on sturdy and well -fitting helmets,  and high quality motorcycle gear to reduce their risk of injuries in an accident.  While motorcycles on their own have become safer over the past few years with new technology, motorcyclists  are ultimately responsible for reducing the severity and number of personal injuries they suffer in an auto accident through the kind of clothing and gear that they wear.

Wearing a helmet is the single most important thing you can do to reduce your risk of suffering head injuries in the event of  an auto accident. The state of Georgia recognizes the importance of helmets in preventing head injuries in an accident, and requires all motorcyclists, including passengers, to wear helmets.  Georgia helmet laws are not restricted to passengers or motorcyclists below a certain age.  No  matter what your  age or  experience levels, you must wear a helmet when you are out riding in Georgia.  Those laws, on their own, significantly reduce the number of motorcycle accident – related head injuries that occur in Georgia every year.

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