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Plan Ahead to Avoid Drunk Driving Car Accidents This December

The  month of December sees some of the highest numbers of drunk driving car accidents in the year, thanks to the Christmas and New Year holidays.  No  wonder then that December is marked as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month.

Data suggests that the number of drunk driving car accidents on our roads is actually  increasing  every year.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, based on data from 2021, alcohol -related car accident numbers   in December were the highest that they have been in 15 years.

All 50 states have laws in place that prohibit driving under the influence of alcohol.  In most states, the legally acceptable blood alcohol concentration limit is 0.08.  In fact, many  agencies including the National Transportation Safety Board have gone on record calling for a  further reduction in  the blood alcohol concentration limit to .05.  In  spite of these laws against drunk driving, however, far too many motorists feel comfortable driving after having consumed  alcohol, and those numbers increase in the month of December.

Impaired  driving, however, does not include only driving under the influence of alcohol, but also includes driving under the influence of drugs like marijuana and other drugs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration analyzed data  of drivers involved in impaired driving-related auto accidents between 2019 and 2021, and  found that approximately a quarter of all drivers who were injured seriously in these auto accidents had marijuana in their systems.

This December, make sure that you are not driving while under the influence of marijuana or alcohol.  The  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration  advises motorists to plan ahead in advance before heading out for celebrations.  If you intend to drive, make sure that you have plans for someone to drive you home after the party.   If  you are going to be at someone’s house, plan to stay over at the venue. Use a taxi service or a ride   sharing service to get home safely. Remember, friends do not let friends drive home drunk.  If  you are out partying with friends, look out for those  who seem too impaired  to drive, and take away their car keys.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is also warning about another lesser-known, but equally dangerous cause of impaired driving –  the use of prescription medications.  Many medications, including those used for the treatment of hypertension, allergies, cough and colds and depression also have a highly sedative effect, and can cause you to become drowsy while you are at the wheel.  These medications can prove lethal when they are combined with alcohol.

The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz  Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or a loved one have suffered  injuries  in an auto accident,  talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You  may  qualify for compensation that includes medical costs, lost income and other forms of damages.  Talk  to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your case.    Initial consultations are free.




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