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A new study confirms that stronger automobile roofs minimize the severity of injuries in a rollover auto accidents. The study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compared automobile roof strength test results of several cars with real- life rollover auto accidents. The researchers found a direct link between automobile roof strength results and the number of centimeters that the roof is pushed into the occupant at the time of an auto accident. Earlier studies had also confirmed that stronger auto roofs lower the risk of, as well as severity of, injuries to the head, neck and face.

The NHTSA study comes at an opportune time. Last year, the agency had announced that it was strengthening auto roof strength standards. According to the agency’s new standards, automakers will need to maintain a ratio of 1.5 for vehicles with gross weight ratings from 6,000 to 10,000 pounds. The current ratings only require a ratio of 1.5 for vehicles with gross weight ratings of up to 6,000 pounds. According to the agency, the new rules will lead to approximately 135 lives being saved every year in rollover auto accidents.

Rollovers comprise a small percentage of the total number of car accidents in the US every year. However, these are some of the most devastating auto accidents that Atlanta car accident attorneys come across, and in fact, cause approximately 30% of all traffic fatalities. The NHTSA has focused heavily on reducing the numbers of wrongful deaths in these auto accidents. For instance, new rules require all automobiles to come with electronic stability control systems that reduce the risk of a rollover. You can now find electronic stability control systems on most models that are available in the market. These systems prevent the risk of a rollover by allowing the driver to retain control over his vehicle during certain high-risk maneuvers, like braking or turning at high speeds.

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Preventing deaths from auto accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents and bicycle accidents needs to be a top priority in Atlanta and throughout Georgia. A report by the Emergency Nurses Association, which rates states based on how they fare on 14 established criteria, shows that Georgia performs quite well on the parameters, but still has work to do.

The report by the ENA compares all 50 states, and rates them based on how they perform against the following criteria:

1. The existence of primary enforcement seat belt laws

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A number of personal injury victims sign medical liens every year.The victims often times do not know the consequences that a lien can have on their personal injury settlement.Signing a medical lien could be a fatal mistake that can wreck your personal injury claim.

Receive Treatment for Your Injuries

Whatever your case may be (lien or no lien) it is important to receive treatment and continue that treatment if necessary.Your recovery is critical to you and your family.Receiving treatment will help to ensure your injuries do not get worse after your accident.

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Last year, Atlanta motorists were treated to an unusual experience – sudden and unexpected snowstorms that contributed to icy roads, poor visibility and an increased number of auto accidents, truck accidents and motorcycle accidents. Since Atlanta and Georgia in general only gets a snowstorm once every year or two, motorists are unable to deal with suddenly slippery conditions and accidents result. Winter has already begun much earlier than usual in some parts of Georgia, and it’s important for drivers to be prepared for any sudden change in weather conditions that can increase the risks of accidents.

Extreme winter weather means ice, snow and sleet on the roads, creating increasingly slippery conditions. Motorists driving in such conditions are much more likely to lose control of their vehicles. Even worse, if your car not been prepared for driving through snow, you can expect a breakdown. Stay safe this winter by being prepared for extreme weather.

Make sure that your car is primed for winter driving. Fluid levels, particularly anti-freeze fluids, must be topped. Keep your gas tank as full as possible. Last year’s snowstorms caught everybody by surprise.

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2009 might have seen the lowest numbers of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents, injuries and fatalities in years, but there’s still much that can be done to improve traffic safety in Georgia. Atlanta car accident lawyers have a particular list of goodies that they would love to see delivered by state transportation safety agencies and federal agencies to decrease accidents in Atlanta and throughout Georgia.

Here is our Most Wanted list for 2011.

More Progress against Distracted Driving

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Early figures by the Georgia State Patrol seem to indicate that there has been an increase in auto accidents in Georgia this Thanksgiving holiday. These are not the final figures, and hundreds of police and sheriff’s departments will soon send in their accident, injury and fatality data to the Georgia Department of Transportation.

According to the figures by the Georgia State Patrol however, there were 520 accidents over the holiday. These resulted in 231 injuries. In 2009, the State Patrol recorded 411 accidents that injured 246 people. According to the Georgia State Patrol, 11 people died in accidents in Georgia this holiday. That includes fatalities in Atlanta and Cherokee County. Last year however, there had been 13 fatalities.

We will continue to see increased traffic across Georgia over the next couple of weeks as Georgia and, especially, Atlanta residents drive to finish their holiday shopping and plan Christmas parties. This is always a more dangerous time of the year, because the high spirits and laid-back attitude create a sense of complacency that can prove deadly behind the wheel. It’s more important now than ever, to be aware that you will likely share the roads with more numbers of drivers than during other times of the year, and also that safety may not be the number one thing on drivers’ minds.

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Couldthe new enhanced airport security procedures adopted by the Transportation Security Administration unwittingly lead to an increase in highway accidents and fatalities this Thanksgiving holiday? It’s a question that two transportation economists have already addressed. According to them, there is very likely to be a spike in highway travel this year.

The main reason is likely to be the embarrassing patdown procedures, which have already received plenty of negative press as being intrusive and humiliating.In fact, an activist group is calling for “National Opt-Out Day” in protest against the procedures on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, which is one of the busiest flight days.That could mean even more delays.

Airport security has become a painfully cumbersome procedure post 9/11, and many people, especially those with kids, only fly because it gives them a chance to reach their destination quicker. However, if flying now also comes with a long drawn-out and embarrassing patdown, with the prospect of more delays, many Americans would simply choose to drive to their destination instead.

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Cobb County police are on the lookout for a pickup truck driver whom they believe was responsible for a fatal motorcycle accident this week. According to police, the 60-year-old victim was riding his motorcycle, when he was cut off by the driver of a Ford F-150 truck. In order to avoid the accident, the victim was forced to go over the curb and across the sidewalk. The motorcycle struck a pillar on the sidewalk, and the victim sustained serious injuries. He was taken to the hospital, but succumbed to his injuries later.

Cobb County Police are on the lookout for the driver of the pickup truck. They say it is either a gray or black colored truck.

Unfortunately, most motorcycle crashes that Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyers come across seem to follow similar patterns. These accidents are caused not because motorcycles were speeding or driving rashly, but because the motorcyclists were not yielded to or were cutoff.

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Speeding Cameras, DUI Enforcement Could Prevent More Fatal Accidents Every Year

A new study should be a wake-up call for those who have been celebrating the fact that traffic accident fatality levels are at their lowest levels in decades. According to the study, the US is actually faring very poorly in comparison to countries like France and Australia, in reducing highway accident fatalities.

The study, by the influential National Research Council, compared traffic accident fatality rates in this country with other countries, including European countries, Japan, Australia and other developed nations. The US has made some of the least amount of progress in reducing the number of deaths. The study found that since 1995, France has managed to reduce its traffic accident fatalities by 52%, compared to 19% in the US.

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NTSB Recommends All States Mandate Motorcycle Helmets

The National Transportation Safety Board has called on all states to mandate motorcycle helmets to reduce the numbers of deaths in motorcycle accidents every year. The federal agency made the recommendation as part of its annual “Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety.” The list outlines a series of recommendations that the federal agency directs to states across the country. This year, the board seems to have focused on motorcycle helmet recommendations in place of recreational boating safety.

The NTSB list identifies those states that have made great progress in protecting the motorcycling public. It also names those states that still have more work to do to keep motorcyclists and other motorists safer. Georgia has mandatory motorcycle helmet laws for all motorcyclists.

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