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A young boy waiting at the bus stop in southwest Atlanta had a miraculous escape after a dog bite attack by a pair of Rottweilers.The boy, who was about eight or nine years old was standing at the bus stop waiting for his bus, when the two dogs turned up and the dog bite attack occurred.Another child was also waiting at the bus stop, but managed to escape.Fortunately for the boy, a neighbor was able to scare the dogs away. As an Atlanta injury attorney, I have often found that dog bite attacks often result in extremely serious personal injuries.

Both of the dogs belonged to separate dog owners.Both the dog owners have been cited by the Fulton County Animal Control and the dogs have been removed from the neighborhood.

Children are the biggest victims of dog bites in Atlanta.According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, approximately 4.5 million Americans suffer dog bites every year.Of these, one in five bites result in injuries that are serious enough to require medical attention.Among child victims of dog bites, the rate of injuries is highest in children in the age group of 5 to 9.Besides, children are much more likely to require medical attention after a dog bite.

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As an Atlanta injury lawyer, a recent bicycle accident in Cobb County is once again confirming that drivers in Atlanta need to be more vigilant about watching out for bicyclists over the spring and summer. Bicycle accidents often result in the most serious types of personal injury compared to most types of accidents.

The year’s peak cycling season is here, and many Atlantans are out on their bicycles.By law, Atlanta bicyclists must bike on the road, and not on a sidewalk.That means they share the roads with motorists who must, accommodate these bikers.

Last week, an elementary school teacher was left with injuries after her bicycle was struck by a car.The impact was serious enough to break the car’s side view mirror, but the driver drove off from the scene of the accident.Fortunately, the woman did not suffered life altering injuries.What makes this accident even more ironic was that the woman had recently been elected to the Board of Directors at Bike Cobb, a bicycle safety advocacy group that lobbies for better bicycling roads and safety.On the day of the accident, in fact, the victim was on her way to her first meeting as a board director.

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More and more Atlantans are thinking twice before texting while driving, thanks to a new Georgia law that bans text messaging at the wheel.However, Atlanta auto accident lawyers know for a fact that many Atlantans think nothing of driving with an unrestrained or unsecured pet in the car.

According to a new survey conducted by the American Automobile Association, four out of every five dog owners drive with their pet in the car.One in three of these admit that the pet is a major distraction.Only 17% of the dog owners in the survey use restraints or dog barriers while driving.Pets can be a huge distraction while driving, and considering that we are a country of dog lovers, it is surprising that there hasn’t been a more intense spotlight on securing dogs while driving.

A CBS report has more information for dog owners who would like to secure their dogs safely in their cars, but don’t know where to look.There are plenty of safety devices out there, from safety barriers, to dog safety seatbelts and dog booster seats.Seatbelts are ideal for large-size dogs, while booster seats are better for small-sized dogs.Besides, there are hammocks and dog personal restraint systems that can help secure your dog, and prevent him from falling when you apply the brakes.Securing a dog with seatbelts will prevent him from jumping out the window, always a concern for anyone driving with a dog in the car.

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Has all the focus on teen and elder drivers affected traffic safety for other groups of motorists?That’s the question that Atlanta car accident attorneys are asking this week after released its analysis of car accident data.Even as the numbers of people dying in auto accidents across the country has been declining over the past decade, there has been an actual increase in the numbers of male car accident deaths in the 51 to 65 age group.

The data comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.According to the analysis, the number of male and female car accident deaths in other age groups has been steadily declining over the past few years.Even drunk driving accident deaths have declined over the past five years, helped by a lowered tolerance to intoxicated driving, and stronger enforcement.However according to the data, the number of adult males aged between 51 and 65 years killed in auto accidents, increased by almost 25% between 2000 and 2009.In comparison, car accident deaths for all male drivers during the same period of time declined by more than 20%.Even auto accident deaths for female drivers declined by about 20% during the study period.

According to the analysts, it’s not just the increase in male car accident deaths in this age group that is concerning, but also the fact that much of this increase is related to drunk driving accidents.In fact, when it comes to drunk driving accident deaths, there has been an increase in fatalities among both men and women in this age group.The number of annual DUI deaths among baby boomers increased by 37% between 2000 and 2009.During the same period of time, rates of drunk driving accident fatalities across the country dropped by almost 7%.

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A truck accident involving a tanker truck and an 18-wheeler in Bryan County earlier in April resulted in the death of the tanker driver.The truck accident occurred on Thursday when the gasoline tanker truck, which was heading south on Interstate 95, crashed into the rear of the 18-wheeler. Of course, 18 wheeler accidents are some of the worst that are seen on our roadways.

The tanker truck suffered serious damage in the accident, and the driver was trapped in the truck.When the driver of the 18 wheel got out, he noticed the beginning of a fire in the tanker.He was able to escape in time to avoid the massive explosion that ripped through the tanker, killing the driver instantly.The fire from the explosion lasted for more than two hours.

According to the 18-wheeler driver, he saw the tanker truck coming up from behind him, and flashed his lights.However, the tanker simply ran into his carrier.The driver of the tanker truck didn’t try to apply his brakes. Police are investigating the possibility that the tanker truck driver had dozed off at the wheel.However, investigations are bound to be impacted by the fact that the tanker truck driver died in the accident, and his vehicle has been too severely damaged to detect mechanical failures.No other vehicles were involved in the crash.

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As Atlanta injury attorney I often notice people using cell phones while driving almost every day as we drive to work.Such behaviors significantly increase their risk of an auto accident, including those that result in serious personal injury.Unfortunately, this isn’t just a fad that affects the young and teen drivers, but a dangerous phenomenon that also touches most motorists.This April, the focus will be on minimizing the number of accidents every year in Georgia caused due to distracted driving, as national and local transportation safety agencies mark National Distracted Driving Month. Reducing distracted driving is probably one of the best ways to decrease the overall number of car accidents in Atlanta and throughout Georgia.

April was set as National Distracted Driving Month through a special move by Congress, and across the country including Georgia, state and local transportation agencies will mark the month with special efforts to crack down on distracted drivers, and raise awareness about these practices.While much of the focus on distracted drivers this month is likely to be on those using cell phones while driving, there are all kinds of other distractions that increase the risk of an accident.In fact, some studies estimate that approximately 80% of all accidents are caused by some kind of distractions.These include motorists using cell phones, texting, changing radio stations, snacking, reading newspapers, applying makeup, and performing any other activities that take their eyes away from the road and their hands off the steering wheel.

However, the risk from the use of cell phones and other electronic communication devices while driving is especially greater, because cell phones can be found in almost every car.Besides, in a tough economy, American workers have felt under greater pressure than ever to constantly stay in touch with the office 24/7, even while they’re driving. There is also an entire section of Atlanta’s population that has been raised on Facebook and MySpace. For these drivers, not being in touch with their friends 24/7 via smart phone is, quite simply, unthinkable.

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Federal transportation safety agencies recorded a 3% drop in auto accident, truck accident, and motorcycle accident wrongful deaths in 2010.Southern states including Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida also recorded a 3% drop in accident deaths last year.Last year’s figures are the lowest accident death rates on record since 1949. As an Atlanta Injury lawyer, I welcome the latest report of the decline in these numbers.

The Georgia/South Carolina/Alabama/Tennessee/Florida region recorded 6,375 car accident deaths in 2010, a drop of 3% from 2009, when there were 6,573 accident deaths.Overall, nationwide, there were 32, 788 auto accident, truck accident and motorcycle accident deaths in 2010, a decline of 3% from 33,808 fatalities in 2009.Moreover, the decline in car accident deaths was the lowest on record since 1949.Last year accident deaths also marked a 25% drop since 2005.

The statistics also seem to put to rest the theory that the decline in car accident fatalities has had a lot to do with the recession.Last year, Americans traveled more vehicle miles, but fewer Americans died in accidents.There are other reasons that have contribute to this decline that have been evident for the past few years.Higher seat belt usage rate is typically one of those factors.More drivers in Georgia now buckle up than ever before and this has meant fewer fatalities in accidents.

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The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has come out with a new study that promotes traffic safety initiatives of the kind Atlanta pedestrian accident attorneys have been advocating for too -the use of technology to prevent pedestrian accidents. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I have seen a significant number of car accidents involving pedestrians. These auto accidents often involve serious personal injuries and many times result in the wrongful death of the pedestrian. Any technology that decreases the number of pedestrian accidents is a welcome innovation.

The Insurance Institute has studied technologies that can help prevent these accidents, and for this, it has analyzed the most common kinds of pedestrian accident scenarios.Between 2005 and 2009, 224,000 pedestrians were involved in front-impact accidents involving single passenger vehicles.Out of these 13,193 pedestrians were killed.

According to the Insurance Institute, the most common kinds of pedestrian accident scenarios involve a person crossing the road, and a car traveling straight ahead towards the pedestrian.In these cases, the motorist has a clear view of the pedestrian, but is unable to stop in time.The Insurance Institute study is promoting the use of forward collision warning systems, including pedestrian technology, to prevent these accidents.Forward collision warning systems have been very popular for some time now.These systems allow the driver to detect an object that is in the path of the car, thereby encouraging him to apply the brakes, and prevent an accident.Some of these systems now come with pedestrian detection technology that enables the driver to detect not only an object, but also a pedestrian in the car’s path.

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Since the Bluffton University bus accident in Atlanta in 2007, Atlanta bus accident attorneys have been calling for greater use of technology to prevent bus accidents and reduce the severity of injuries.It certainly looks like we have been on the right track all along.The National Transportation Safety Board this week said that although technology that could prevent bus accidents exists, federal regulators have failed to act to implement their use. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I applaud the NTSB’s criticism of federal regulators.

The National Transportation Safety Board comments came as Atlanta bus accident lawyers and bus safety advocates from around the country have been increasing calls for stronger bus safety regulations by the federal legislation.Those calls came in the aftermath of a deadly bus accident in New York in March that resulted in the wrongful death of 15 people.The bus, a low-budget carrier transferring passengers to a casino in Connecticut, was on its way back to Chinatown, when it skidded, flipped over, and crashed into a sign pole.The impact sliced the bus into two, killing 14 passengers almost immediately, while the last passenger died in the hospital a few days later.

This week, the National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Deborah Hersmann had stinging criticism for the bus industry, which that has lagged behind in providing safety to its passengers.Deriding the state of American bus safety, Hersmann said that her minivan came with more advanced safety features than most buses on American roads.

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A new study that has been published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, may have avian subjects, but could provide Atlanta slip and fall accident lawyers answers to preventing of these accidents among human beings. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I have seen the devastating personal injuries caused by slip and fall accidents. Any study that can help us to understand how to avoid injuries from these accidents is always appreciated.

It is often challenging to conduct studies into the prevention of accidents in human beings, because you can’t recruit human subjects to test in real-life situations.So the researchers used birds, specifically guinea fowl, as subjects, and studied the birds as they ran confidently across the track.The researchers created a 6 m track.Some parts of the track were covered with sand paper, while the others were covered with a slippery polypropylene lining.The birds, large guinea fowl, with a small head and the round body, were chosen, because they specifically prefer to walk rather than fly.

Some of the birds, the researchers noticed, were able to navigate the track easily.Even on the slippery surface, they slipped a little, but were able to regain their balance.Others slipped several times, and fell.The researchers studied the differences between the birds that were able to maintain their balance, and those that fell.They found that the birds that were able to maintain their balance while walking on the slippery patch, usually walked across the patch in a very upright position with their feet and the body.The birds that fell, typically took bigger steps out in front of their bodies.

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