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Every year, there are variations in the number of car accident fatalities, but one fact remains the same — more fatal car accidents occur at night than in the daytime hours.Nighttime driving comes with its own set of challenges, and one of those is the lack of adequate roadway lighting.A new study focuses on the potential for improving nighttime driving through more advanced automobile headlight systems.

The research was recently presented at the International Symposium on Automotive Lighting in Germany.One scientist involved in the study presented a paper outlining the different types of lighting technologies that can help make nighttime driving both safer and easier.Specifically, these technologies involve headlights that can focus light onto particularly tricky and dangerous roadways.This would be done by using headlights that swivel or bend to put more light onto the turn of the road.

According to the report that was presented at the conference, earlier studies that compared cars equipped with these headlight systems and vehicles with conventional low beam headlights, found that the number of accidents occurring at night actually dropped. For instance, there was a drop of approximately 4% in nighttime accident frequency along low-speed roads. On high-speed roads with shallower curves, the drop was between 1% and 2%.

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Researchers at the University of Chicago are currently working on a prosthetic limb that includes a sense of touch. The limb would give a person a sensory touch, and not just allow him to perform motor activities.

The researchers have published the results of their experiments in the Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Obviously, this is a major step forward in prosthetics development, and this is a field that has already seen some interesting advancements in the recent past. Earlier, prosthetic hands, legs and limbs, were clunky, mechanical gadgets, which would allow a person to walk or move their arms, but in a cumbersome manner. They were uncomfortable to wear and even more uncomfortable to use. In fact, many prosthetic limbs were actually painful to use for long periods of time.

However, in 2013, the kind of prosthetic limbs that a person who has had his limbs amputated due to accident or any other cause are highly advanced, and very light. They’re made from ultralight materials that are not just strong and stable, but also very convenient and comfortable to wear.

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A fatal motorcycle accident has been reported recently in Georgia. This time, it was a 61-year-old man from Woodstock who was traveling on his motorcycle when he crashed into a Toyota Tundra. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the man’s family and friends.

According to reports of the accident, the man was heading eastbound on Cumming Highway when the Tundra pulled out onto the roadway. Consequently, the motorcycle hit the left side of the vehicle.The motorcycle driver was rushed to the hospital, but was pronounced dead.

There was also a 55-year-old female passenger on a bike, who was thrown several feet away upon impact. She was also rushed to the hospital, and is being treated for injuries.

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Certain highway safety initiatives across the country are likely to be affected by the federal government shutdown, which is currently in effect. While some agencies that are responsible for auto safety are likely to be negatively impacted, others that are responsible for trucking safety, fortunately, may escape unscathed.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is one of those agencies that is expected to be affected by the shutdown and resulting lack of funding. This is the federal agency that is responsible for highway safety activities across the country, and therefore, this is one shutdown that has the potential to affect the safety of motorists and passengers.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration may be forced to cut several employees as part of the furloughs. That in turn, could also impact not only highway safety, but also trucking safety to a certain extent, because the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also regulates trucking equipment.

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An improper lane change made by a commercial truck driver is being blamed for a recent fatal motorcycle accident on Interstate 75 in Henry County, GA.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the accident occurred when a motorcyclist traveling northbound was struck by a truck near exit 75 in Henry County.According to initial reports, a southbound truck crossed the median, and crashed into the motorcycle, killing the motorcyclist.So far, it appears that an improper lane change by the tractor-trailer may have started the fatal chain of events, although the investigation is still pending, and no charges have been filed against the tractor-trailer driver.

Every year, more than 4,000 motorcyclists are killed in accidents, and many of these motorcycle accidents are caused by motorists who are inebriated, driving recklessly, or driving while distracted.

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Although icy conditions are often thought of when the topic of slip and fall accidents arises, the risk of suffering this type of injury is very high in the summer months.This is due in part to the large number of people visiting airports, shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, sports fields, and other commercial spaces.However, very often, these same places conceal dangerous conditions that can cause serious leg and back injuries.

The best Atlanta slip and fall accident lawyers all agree that the most effective way for businesses to deal with slip and falls is to prevent them.This requires two things.First, recognize the common causes of falls.And second, implement safety protocols for removing the danger.

Some of the most common slip and fall accidents involve flooring that conceals various hazards.For instance, a floor that is wet because of a spill can pose a serious hazard, and when the floor is the kind that is often used in commercial spaces like marble and granite, the spill may not be easily visible.Businesses must ensure that all public walkways are constantly monitored, and that any spills are cleaned up immediately.

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Georgia highway officials have made a lot of progress in helping reduce the number of people killed in traffic accidents across the state. However, thousands of people continue to die, or are seriously injured in accidents across the state every year.In order to help reduce those numbers further, the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has developed and released a new series of videos.

GDOT has launched a new video initiative that comes in response to a call by the Federal Highway Administration to reduce traffic accident fatalities across the country to 0.The Federal Highway Administration’s Towards Zero Deaths initiative is aimed at minimizing the number of traffic accident fatalities across the country.

In order to support this initiative, the Georgia Department of Transportation is promoting a new series of educational videos. These videos will appear GDOT’s YouTube Channel and website.

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Approximately 50% of medical evacuations back to the United States each year involve Americans who are injured abroad in car accidents. That information comes from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, which also says that car accidents are the leading cause of fatality among American travellers abroad, killing more Americans every year abroad than illness.

However, while travelers often focus heavily on vaccinations and medications to keep themselves safe, very few vacationers pay close attention to the fact that if they are involved in an accident overseas, the trauma may be compounded by the fact that they are in a foreign, sometimes developing, country.

If you are vacationing in a developing country, it is important to understand that not all of these destinations will have laws that require you to wear a seat belt while driving, or place your children in car seats. Regardless of whether the country’s laws require you to do so, you should always wear a seatbelt while riding in a car, and use approved car seats for your children as well.Use car seats and booster seats just as you would back home.

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As part of a new reprieve granted by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), truck drivers who perform daily pre-and post-trip safety inspections of their vehicle do not have to file a report if their inspection does not yield any defects.

USDOT has relaxed the requirement that mandated that trucking companies file a report for every inspection conducted by a driver before and after a trip, even if the inspection does not yield any defects. However, that does not mean that truck drivers don’t have to conduct inspections anymore. Inspections still have to be conducted as normal, but if no defects are found, the driver does not need to fill out any paperwork.

That means more time savings for truck drivers, and not surprisingly, the trucking industry has been very pleased with this reprieve granted by USDOT. The change comes as part of a directive by President Barack Obama, asking federal agencies to cut down regulation and red tape that could be hindering their business’ ability to make profits.

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There have been a number of ATV-related accidents reported in Georgia over the past few weeks, and unfortunately that number is expected to increase as the weather remains nice into the fall months.

In one accident, a man suffered injuries when the ATV he was riding with his wife tipped over.The husband was trapped underneath the ATV, and suffered serious injuries.In another more recent incident, a man was killed in an ATV accident when his machine collided with another vehicle.

Both of these accidents involve adult users of ATVs, but most injuries involving ATV accidents every year involve teenagers and children.This is in spite of the fact that ATV use by children is not encouraged.In fact, it is highly recommended that children below the age of 16 not be allowed to ride ATVs at all.

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