If you are a motorcyclist in Atlanta, it is a must for you to be aware of all the laws that govern the operation of motorcycles in the state of Georgia to ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk of an accident.
Georgia is one of several states in the country that have helmet laws in place. It is mandatory to wear helmets when you are riding a motorcycle here, regardless of your age or experience level. Whether you are an amateur or an experienced motorcyclist, you must be helmeted while operating a motorcycle. The only exception to the rule may be persons operating motorcycles that are used for agricultural purposes, or those operating motorized carts, or enclosed two-wheel vehicles.
There are reasons why most states like Georgia have chosen to make helmets mandatory. A recent study in Michigan found that after the state repealed its motorcycle helmet laws, the number of motorcyclists whose organs were donated increased three-fold. In fact, hospital trauma centers have a name for motorcycles whose riders don’t wear helmets – “donorcycles.” That grim term clearly indicates the high risk that you have of becoming a fatal accident victim and organ donor when you ride a motorcycle without a helmet and suffer fatal traumatic brain injuries.