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If you are a motorcyclist in Atlanta, it is a must for you to be aware of all the laws that govern the operation of motorcycles in the state of Georgia to ensure that you are not putting yourself at risk of an accident.

Georgia is one of several states in the country that have helmet laws in place.  It is mandatory to wear helmets when you are riding a motorcycle here, regardless of your age or experience level. Whether you are an amateur or an experienced motorcyclist, you must be helmeted while operating a motorcycle. The only exception to the rule may be persons operating motorcycles that are used for agricultural purposes, or those operating motorized carts, or enclosed two-wheel vehicles.

There are reasons why most states like Georgia have chosen to make helmets mandatory. A recent study in Michigan found that after the state repealed its motorcycle helmet laws, the number of motorcyclists whose organs were donated increased three-fold. In fact, hospital trauma centers have a name for motorcycles whose riders don’t wear helmets – “donorcycles.” That grim term clearly indicates the high risk that you have of becoming a fatal accident victim and organ donor when you ride a motorcycle without a helmet and suffer fatal traumatic brain injuries.

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Preliminary figures show that there was a significant increase in traffic accident facilities in Georgia in 2020, despite the pandemic and stay-at-home orders. In fact, according to the study, the numbers may be the highest on record since 2007.

The preliminary figures released by the Georgia Governor’s office of Highway Safety showed that there were 1,615 traffic accident deaths in the state of Georgia in 2020.  That was the highest total on record since 2007, when there were 1,641 facilities recorded. It was also a significant increase from the figures in 2019 when the state recorded a total of 1,491 deaths in traffic accidents.

It’s important to remember that these are preliminary figures, and the total numbers are very likely to increase as the agency continues to confirm the number of traffic accident deaths across the state last year. The majority of accident deaths in 2020 occurred on state roads and highways.

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CBD products have become extremely popular in recent years, as more states, including Georgia, have loosened restrictions on the sale of products containing cannabis for the treatment of certain conditions including chronic pain, anxiety and other conditions.  The use of CBD products increased exponentially this year by people trying to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

There may be an increased risk of being involved in car accidents when you are on some types of products containing cannabis. New research indicates that CBD products that contain THC, could significantly increase a person’s risk of being involved in an accident.

There has been concern about the effect of cannabis on a person’s driving abilities. Driving under the influence of drugs can significantly impair a person’s driving skills and increase the risks of being involved in an accident. However, as the use of products containing marijuana increases around Georgia, it is also important for us to learn more about how the use of these products affects a person’s driving abilities.

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Snow and ice accumulation, freezing conditions, slippery surfaces – all of these can combine to present dangerous conditions and serious slip and fall accident risks for seniors in Georgia.

Seniors may be at an especially high risk of falls, compared to younger adults, but these risks are more pronounced during the winter. Seniors, in fact, are much more likely to suffer falls during winter, compared to other times of the year due to more dangerous weather and ground conditions.  These accidents can be serious because a senior can take much longer to bounce back from a fall accident that results in fractures and other injuries, compared to a younger person.

A fall may be much more serious in a senior citizen because his bones are brittle and weaker making them more susceptible to a break or a fracture. Young people are much more likely to suffer sprains, while older persons are much more likely to suffer fractures in a slip and fall accident. Additionally, fractures are more difficult to heal in a older individual. Some types of fractures, like hip fractures, can permanently impair or restrict a person’s mobility.

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Winter roads can be treacherous for motorcyclists, and a slick, wet road can be an accident waiting to happen. An experienced motorcyclist knows that it is very important to be aware of the road conditions that you are travelling on to avoid accidents.

Motorcycling during winter comes with its own set of challenges, and some of these can be very serious. Every motorcyclist knows that it’s important to stay within safe speed zones while motorcycling in winter.

Black ice is a common cause of accidents during winter. If you see something resembling ice on the road in front of you, stay clear of it. Contrary to what you think, black ice isn’t exactly black in color.  It only looks that way, because it is transparent and simply reflects the color of the road asphalt beneath. While motorcycling, you may sometimes come across black ice which forms when sections of the road are exposed to extreme cold as well as water. The water could come in the form of melting snow or rain.

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Winter depression is a very common occurrence in human beings.  But did you know that it can also affect dogs?  This could possibly be why dogs become aggressive, making them much more likely to be involved in bites or attacks, during the winter time.

Seasonal affective disorder is a fairly common winter-related condition that occurs in human beings. This is a type of depression, that is caused due to the fact that human beings spend less time outdoors during winter. The lack of exposure to sunlight and the dark and gloomy conditions causes symptoms that are very similar to those in depression.

There is evidence that something very similar also occurs in our canine friends. The long, dark days, and the lack of their usual physical activity outdoors could possibly cause dogs to experience some of the same type of symptoms,  including irritability and aggressiveness.  These types of weather conditions could cause dogs to exhibit behaviors that are not similar to their normal behaviors.

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Normally when you go to a hospital, you believe you will leave better after treatment.  The last thing on your mind is getting hurt in an accident while being treated at a hospital.  However, fall accidents in hospitals are a leading cause of patient injuries in a hospital. Researchers recently analyzed the results of the use of a specially designed fall prevention toolkit among hospital patients, and found that the use of the toolkit significantly helped reduce the risk of fall accidents in the hospital as well as injuries sustained as a result of these accidents.

The study was conducted by researchers who tested a special toolkit that they designed specifically to prevent hospital fall accidents, and included a number of items, including a poster that is designed to be displayed by the side of a patient bed. The toolkit also includes specifically designed prevention plans that can possibly be integrated into electronic health records, and displayed on computer screens.

The researchers tested the usefulness of the toolkit in helping reduce the risk of fall accidents, among 37,000 patients between 2015 and 2016. They found that the implementation of the toolkit directly resulted in a 15% drop in the number of patient falls recorded in these hospitals. It also directly contributed to a 34% reduction in the number of injuries that were sustained in these fall accidents.

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A new report finds that many county-maintained roads in Georgia have been chronically undermaintained and in poor shape, increasing the risk of accidents for motorists travelling on these roads.

That information was published in a recent report by transportation research non-profit group, TRIP. The group recently released a report titled Moving Georgia Forward: Road and Bridge Conditions, Traffic Safety, Travel Trends and Funding Needs in the Atlanta region. The group conducted a survey of a number of counties in the state starting from 2019 and ending in 2020, specifically focusing on the condition of the transportation network of the state. The survey found that as many as 22% of roads in Georgia that are maintained by counties, are in substandard condition.

Not only are these roads in poor condition, but there also does not seem to be any hurry to get these roads fixed any time soon. Funding shortages will only ensure that many of these roads will continue to be deficient well into 2021 and beyond. At the current funding rate, only approximately 12% of the total number of miles of roads that are in need of repair work, including resurfacing, will be fixed in 2020. Overall, only 52% of the total amount of funding that is required to fix the entire network of county-maintained roads, is available for use. Hundreds of thousands of people use these county roads on a regular basis, and when these roads are poorly maintained and unsafe, they pose a serious risk of accidents to motorists.

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is kick-starting its annual seat belt enforcement campaign, even as a bill that would require all occupants of a car in Georgia to be buckled in remains pending.

The current bill pending in the Senate would require that all occupants of a vehicle, including any adults in the back seat, remain buckled while the car is in motion.  This bill was introduced in 2019, and has a lot of support from lawmakers who believe that it is important for all occupants in a car to receive equal protection against injuries and the possible risk of death in an accident.  If this bill is ultimately be passed and becomes law, Georgia will join the list of states that now require all motorists and passengers to be buckled in while driving, without exception.

Currently, the law in Georgia requires only front seat passengers to wear seat belts.  The law applies only to minor back seat passengers below the age of 17. Adult passengers in the back seat are exempt from the law.

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As the number of older American increases, so does the number of elderly drivers out on the roadways.  Older drivers above the age of 70 are much safer now on the roads that they used to be. However, several factors, including a slowness to adopt newer auto technologies, could be working against them, and could expose them to the risk of accidents.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recently published the results of a study that focused on how accident rates for seniors have actually dropped over the past few years. The study focused on the period between 2009 and 2017, and found that during the first half of the study, the rates of car accidents involving seniors actually dropped.

That may not be all good news, however. The first half of the study period coincided with the Great Recession, and that was the time when there was a drop in the rates of all types of auto accidents. During the latter half of the study, accident rates involving seniors stayed consistent, while accident rates involving middle-aged drivers started increasing again.

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