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The federal government under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is funding  transportation projects across the country, and recently announced funding for new initiatives that would help  speed up commercial driver’s licensing processes and, if these drivers are effectively trained, help prevent truck accidents.

The Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration recently announced in a press release that it would release $48 million in funding grants to states and other entities.  This money would be used to increase opportunities for people who wish to train as truck drivers and obtain commercial driver’s licenses, as well as other efforts aimed at increasing the number of experienced  and trained truck drivers on our highways.  Approximately $44 million, for instance, would be used for expanding commercial drivers license programs through the Commercial Drivers License Program Implementation Grant.  States would receive funding to speed up the process of issuance of commercial drivers licenses.

The funds would also be used to make it easier for states to communicate with each other about violations and other data electronically.

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It is the most dangerous time of the year to drive, even more dangerous in fact than winter.  Not  too many people realize it, but fall is the most dangerous season with a motorist’s risk of being involved in car accidents  at its highest during these days.

Auto insurer Carfax recently announced that according to its data, it is autumn and not winter which is the deadliest season of the year for drivers.  In  fact, according to the data, more than 72% of Americans live in states like Georgia where fall is the deadliest season of the year with the highest number of auto accidents recorded.

There are a number of reasons why the risk of car accidents is greater during fall season compared to other times of the year.  The  days are shorter which means fewer daylight hours and greater volumes of driving in the dark when the risks of being involved in an auto accident are at their highest. Only 25% of all travel in the United States occurs during night time, but night time     accounts for  the same number of   accidents every year as day time.  Another  factor contributing to the higher risk of car accidents during autumn is deer. More than 50% of all auto accidents involving deer in the United States occur between October and December. Mating season kicks off during this time, and you will find larger numbers of deer along busy roads.  A  third important reason for the high number of car accidents during fall season is the slippery and wet road surfaces.  Roads may  be  slick because of wet leaves that fall down during storms, and these provide ideal conditions for an auto accident.

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We know a lot about the impact of brain injuries on certain areas of a person’s life, including his mental health  and cognitive functioning.  A  new study finds that  a traumatic  brain injury – like the kind that results after a motorcycle accident –  could also significantly impact a person’s cardiac health,  leaving him exposed to the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

According to researchers, there are  a number of risk factors after a  brain injury that may increase the person’s risk  of suffering heart conditions after this type of personal injury.  These factors   include neuroinflammation,  problems with the nervous system and other post -injury symptoms that  could significantly impact cardiovascular functioning.  This  could place the person at risk  of suffering conditions like heart attacks and strokes.

In fact, the researchers believe that  cardiovascular and endocrine disruption  may impact a person’s quality of life and affect his survival rates for decades after the injury.  They also believe that there has not been enough research into the long  – term cardiovascular effects after a brain injury,  with  the result that  we are likely underestimating  the impact of these  effects on survival rates.

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Victims  of car accidents, motorcycle accidents and trucking accidents  who have suffered a spinal cord injury may look forward to a day when they can walk independently again thanks to a new breakthrough in research in the field.

Scientists  recently announced a breakthrough  in their attempts to regenerate axons in  persons who have suffered  a spinal cord injury.  The  breakthrough was announced by a team of scientists that included both Swiss and American  researchers. According to the team,  they found that redirecting  regenerated axons to their target regions was more effective in helping along the healing process and aided the recovery of the patient,  compared to random regrowth of axons.

Back in 2018, the team had identified that axons which are responsible for communicating transmissions among the nerve cells could be regrown after the damage.  However,  they found that even when the axons were regrown, it did not really lead to any marked or significant functional recovery for the patient.  Now,  however,  they say that they have found a way to redirect the regenerated axons to their target region, helping  restore functional movement.  The  researchers experimented on mice with spinal cord injury, and found that the mice were actually able to walk independently after the treatment.

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Poor dental health, including bleeding gums and cavities have long been known to be a risk factor for general  health.  A new study finds that far too many residents of nursing homes in Georgia and across the country suffer from poor dental care that also risks their   health.

Good oral hygiene and health is essential not just for the average person but also, and especially so, for the elderly.  Gum  infections, for instance, can cause germs from the infection to travel into the person’s blood stream.  It  is well documented that   the transmission of these germs in the bloodstream can cause heart disease and also increase   the risk for other conditions.  Additionally,   cavities and other types of conditions can make it difficult for a person to chew food properly, placing him at risk of malnutrition.  This  can have serious consequences in the case of an elderly person.

The study was conducted by dental officers at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid  Services. As part of the study, the researchers  focused on the oral health of elderly residents at nursing homes certified with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid  Services.  According  to the study, as many as 20% of all elderly nursing home residents suffer from missing teeth.  While missing teeth or missing tooth fragments was the most widely reported oral health condition, many residents also reported pain and difficulty while chewing,  teeth cavities, and broken teeth.  The  study found that 8% suffered from cavities while 11% reported pain while chewing.   Other  common problems included damaged or broken dentures and gum infections, typically  accompanied by bleeding and inflammation.

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Georgia continues to criminalize the use and possession of marijuana for recreational use. While there is a very narrow exception for use of marijuana for medical purposes, the statute is not nearly has broad as found in many other states. Accordingly, marijuana is not as readily available in Georgia compared to other states that have fully legalized marijuana for all purposes or fully legalized marijuana to medical use. As the findings of a  new study shows,  this may be for the  good since legalization of marijuana is linked to an increase in the number of auto accident personal injuries.

The  information comes from a new study that was conducted in Canada.  In  2018, Canada became the second country in the world to legalize the sale of marijuana for recreational  purposes.   According to the study, that decision has resulted in a significant increase in the number of auto accident injuries that are serious enough to  lead to a visit to the emergency room.

The study is quick to affirm  that marijuana – related emergency room  visits after car accidents are still uncommon, but the percentage of such auto accidents has been skyrocketing since the 2018 legalization of marijuana.   According to the study, there has been a  475% increase in car accident personal injuries linked to marijuana use, with the increase being even sharper following the 2018 legalization of marijuana. On the other hand,  there has not been  a similar increase in the number of alcohol – related car accident personal injuries resulting in emergency room visits during the same period of time.

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recently announced  a proposed rule that would set  minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes across the country.  Regulators  believe that this would help increase standards of care for the elderly and sick at these facilities, and prevent nursing  home neglect. Unfortunately, low standards of care often result in falls with fractures, decubitus ulcers (bed sores), amputations and wrongful death.

There  are currently more than 1.2 million people who are cared for at one of the country’s 15,000 nursing homes.  The  standards of care for all these patients would be directly impacted by the new regulation.  The   US Department of Health and Human Services says that the rule would, for the first time ever in history, propose a minimum staffing requirement for nursing homes. Poor staffing and poorly trained staff is often the main reason persons in nursing homes suffer abuse and personal injuries.

This  would include a requirement that the facility have a registered nurse on staff 24 hours a day, every single day.  It will also require and set a minimum standard of 3 nursing hours for every resident at the facility. That includes 0.55 hours of care per registered nurse per resident per day and 2.45 hours of care by a nurse aide per resident per day.  In addition, nursing facilities may also be required to provide more than the minimum staffing requirements in case of specific patient needs.

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The fear of being involved in an auto accident is the number one factor affecting driving anxiety and stress, but there are ways to circumvent these fears. If these fears can be overcome, it will greatly improve the lives of these individuals and is very likely lead to fewer auto accidents.

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has tips for drivers who want to drive safely and responsibly without letting their fears and anxiety come   in the way.  Ironically enough, these anxieties and stresses may actually  place drivers at a greater risk of being involved in an auto accident.  Confidence  and calm is key to driving safely and responsibly  and when a driver is stressed about being involved in a car accident or losing control of the vehicle, it makes it more likely that he will actually cause a car accident.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, fear of being involved in a car accident is the number one factor  that causes driving anxiety.   We live in   an age when high resolution  images   of catastrophic or fatal car accidents are easily available online, and if a person has seen these images, these   may flash in his mind when he is driving, causing his or her heart rate to increase and his or her palms to become sweaty.

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American seniors are suffering slip and fall injuries at much higher rates than just a couple of decades ago. According to a new study, there has been a two – fold increase in the rate of fatal slip and fall accidents involving seniors since 1999.

The study  focused on seniors above the age of 65, and found that  fatal slip and fall accident rates have risen for both males and females and across all racial groups.  The  study found that in 1999, there had been 10,100 deaths from slip and fall accidents involving seniors, and in 2020, that number had increased to 36,500.   The rate of slip and fall – related deaths involving this very vulnerable age category increased from 29 for every 100,000 persons in 1999 to 69  for every 100,000 persons in 2020.

White  males  recorded the highest increase with approximately 78 deaths for every 100,000 persons in the year 2020.  Death rates also increased for other categories, including Hispanics and African American seniors.   Obviously, these results are concerning,  and even more so because they do not seem to be talked about enough.  Senior slip and fall risks are  not much of a priority for health authorities, and the results are clear to see.

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Too  little sleep could increase a person’s risk of suffering not just auto accident – related personal injuries, but also personal injuries from slip and fall accidents  as well as personal injuries during sports.

In a new study, researchers focused on 3 different types of personal injuries, including injuries caused in sports, during slip and fall accidents as well as injuries caused when a person is involved in an auto accident, and their link to sleep deprivation.  They found that  lack of sufficient sleep affected the  risk of preventable personal injuries.

The researchers looked at three different categories of sleep – very little sleep which is sleep below 4 hours in duration,  short sleep which is sleep of between 5 and 6 hours in duration,  healthy  sleep which is  sleep of between 7 and 8 hours and long sleep which is sleep of greater than 9 hours. They also divided sleep quality into three categories, including the ability to fall and stay asleep, feel refreshed and rested while waking up, and medication use.

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