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Do Reflective Clothes Increase Risk of Pedestrian Car Accidents?

For decades, pedestrian safely experts have advocated the wearing of reflective pieces of clothing in order to make pedestrians more visible to motorists.  However,  new studies seem to suggest that these reflective clothes make pedestrians not -so – visible to accident prevention technologies.

Reflective clothes are recommended for pedestrians to make them visible to motorists in low visibility conditions.  If you are out walking at night, you should be wearing neon – colored or reflective materials on your clothes that can help motorists see you.  That also goes for bicyclists and highway workers, especially at night and in other low visibility conditions.  In fact, experts also recommend that bicyclists stick reflective tape on their vehicles to make them even more visible in the dark. All of these measures have always been considered an effective way to prevent auto accidents.

However, a new study seems to suggest that these reflective clothes could actually render these people invisible to automated crash avoidance systems.  Collision avoidance technologies are available on a majority of American cars now with most automakers now offering vehicles that come with these technologies. In the new study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, researchers studied the effect of cars that come with accident prevention technology and their ability to identify pedestrians walking at night.  The researchers used dummy pedestrians in the study, with some of these dummies wearing standard black clothing while others had reflective clothing on. The researchers found to their surprise that the technology caused the vehicles to slow down when the dummy was dressed in black clothing and actually failed to slow down the automobile when the dummy was dressed in reflective clothing.

It is hard to say for certain why the technology failed to identify the pedestrians who were dressed in reflective vests, but, according to the researchers,  human motorists find it easier to identify pedestrians wearing reflective clothes because the distinct strips are located at the joints which cause movement and  therefore,  facilitate identification.  The researchers say that the findings are concerning and point to the need for pedestrian detection systems to be even more finetuned so that they work together with existing safety measures.

Walking around at nighttime is fraught with danger.   Avoid walking in low visibility conditions, especially in areas with lots of traffic, or stick to walking on sidewalks.  Be attentive at all times and avoid listening to music or having a conversation on the cell phone while walking.  Be extra cautious when you are at a crosswalk. All of these measures can help prevent auto accidents.

The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.   If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages. You may qualify for damages that include medical costs, lost income and other types of compensation.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial  consultations are free.

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