Articles Posted in Personal Injury

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Persons who have suffered a traumatic brain injury have a much higher risk of developing dementia down the road.  A new study not only underscores this fact, but also determines that changes in vascular cells can affect the onset of dementia in persons who have suffered a brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries often occur in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, pedestrian accidents and slip and falls.

For decades now, scientists have been aware that suffering a brain injury significantly increases the risk that a person will develop dementia or Alzheimer’s disease down the road.  However, recent studies have  identified the exact molecular mechanism behind the personal injury that can bring about dementia earlier. In this new study, scientists discovered that alterations to the vascular smooth muscle cells lead to an increase in the build-up of proteins called amyloid beta, which are strongly linked to Alzheimer’s disease. What the scientists found even more surprising is that even younger persons who are typically not at risk of dementia suffered a similar increased risk, supported by the vascular muscle cell changes following the brain injury.  The researchers concluded that understanding the changes to the vascular cells  is crucial to understanding how trauma can impact dementia risks and circumventing  or mitigating those risks all together.

Brain injuries can result in a significant number of changes in a person’s mental and physical health.  Even a moderate brain injury can result in cognitive challenges,  memory problems,  difficulties in concentration and attention,  impaired motor skills and a number of other challenges that make it difficult for the person to live a normal life. All of these difficulties make it hard   for the person to be productive or earn a living.  Working even a routine job can become challenging.  For example, motor coordination problems can manifest in a large number of brain injury victims, and these can significantly impact the victim’s earning potential if he is working in a manual job, or one that requires dexterity.

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It is no secret that American SUVs and pick up trucks are extremely popular on our roads and highways.  However, a  new study seems to indicate that super-sized vehicles are not necessarily safer for their occupants,  while becoming even more dangerous for occupants of other vehicles in car accidents with them.

Americans have long preferred larger vehicles, not just because of their looks and style, but also because they are believed to be safer in auto accidents.  To  a large extent, this is true.  A  large Chevrolet Suburban, for instance, packs a greater punch, and offers much greater protection to its occupants in the event of an auto accident, compared to a smaller  passenger car like a  sedan.  The bigger bulk means less damage to the vehicle in the case of an accident, and a lower risk of blunt force trauma to the occupants. This is why these cars are considered ideally suited for high-risk groups like teenage drivers.

Unfortunately, cars on American streets are becoming much bigger and bulkier.  Giant cars that are almost double the height of smaller sedans are fairly common now on our roads.  A new study by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety finds that while the increasing size of cars makes them more dangerous to the occupants of other vehicles on the road,  it does not necessarily mean greater protection for the occupants of the large vehicle.  According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study, in the case of occupants of vehicles that were lesser than the fleet average in weight, the fatality risk was lower with every 500 pounds of additional weight.  In the case of vehicles that were heavier in weight than the fleet average, the protection to occupants was not necessarily higher. In fact, there was barely any drop in the risk of wrongful death for the occupants of these super -sized vehicles.

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Enforcement of traffic laws, including those against drunk driving and speeding, need to be a major part of any auto accident prevention program by state and federal governments. These are the types of traffic law violations which lead to very serious car accidents resulting in catastrophic personal injuries and wrongful deaths.

The role that traffic enforcement can play in accident prevention tends to be a controversial topic.  However, a recent piece in The Atlantic calls for increasing traffic enforcement in order to help reduce the number of people involved in serious auto accidents.  The article refers to experiments in other states that have chosen to decrease traffic enforcement,  consequently leading to an increase in the number of car accidents and accident – related catastrophic personal injuries and wrongful deaths in these states.

Many car accident prevention programs these days focus heavily on the role of  road design in preventing car accidents.  However, there are many types of accidents that are not impacted or hindered by optimum road design.  For example, a large part of the spike in auto accident wrongful deaths in recent years is linked to the increase in the number of car accidents occurring at night.  Many of these auto accidents are speeding- related car accidents or drunk driving auto accidents that have very little to do with road design. These accidents are often connected to low levels of traffic enforcement.  Simply put,  if these speeding drivers and drunk motorists are fined for violations and taken off the streets, we are more likely to see a decline in car accident numbers.

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Older males have a three times higher risk of suffering a traumatic brain injury, mainly in slip and fall accidents.  That information comes from an analysis of 2021 brain injury data which also found that certain racial demographics also have higher rates of brain injury.

The analysis was based on data from the National Vital Statistics System which found that there were approximately 69,473 deaths due to brain injury in 2021.  Men bore the overwhelming brunt of these personal injuries with a majority of persons who suffered fatal brain injuries being adult males above the age of 75.  Men are as much as three times more likely to suffer a fatal traumatic brain injury compared to women.  That makes a lot of sense when you consider that slip and fall accidents are one of the top causes of brain injury in the United States.

The  analysis also found that demographic groups like American Indians or Native Alaskans have a much higher risk of suffering traumatic brain injury  compared to other racial groups, with the two most common causes being suicides and slip and fall accidents  More than 37,000 traumatic brain injury-related wrongful deaths in the analysis were the result of slip and fall accidents, auto accidents, being hit on the head by an object and other such traumatic incidents.

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Earlier research indicated that it might be the taller height of large vehicles like SUVs that make them a bigger personal injury threat to pedestrians than mere vehicle weight.   Now, newer studies confirm that speeding only exacerbates  those risks to auto accidents involving pedestrians which often result in severe and catastrophic personal injuries.

According to a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety,  speeding increases the risk that a sports utility vehicle or a pickup truck poses to a pedestrian.  Exactly how much of a risk depends on the height of the vehicle.  Taller vehicles that are speeding are much more likely to cause grave or fatal injury to a pedestrian when they are in a collision with them.

The size of an automobile can be a significant factor in the severity of the injuries that a pedestrian suffers in a car accident.  However,  the weight of the vehicle may not be as relevant since all vehicles, including smaller passenger cars, are heavier than pedestrians.  What seems to significantly increase the severity of the personal injury risk to pedestrians is the height of the vehicle.  Taller vehicles with a taller hood, for example,  like large – sized SUVs, are much more likely to cause serious personal injuries to pedestrians because the pedestrian is more likely to suffer personal injuries to his upper body or head in such auto accidents.  These are some of the most devastating injuries, and are very likely to result in catastrophic damage or wrongful death.

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This  December,  traffic safety organizations have been drawing attention to the car accident risks facing senior motorists. These risks often result in severe personal injuries from auto accidents.

A number of national and local organizations recently marked the week between December 2 and December 6 as Older Driver Safety Awareness Week.  The  aim of the commemoration was to draw attention to the various safety threats affecting the auto accident risks of older drivers above the age of 65.  This  is one of the most at-risk motorist   groups out there with significant health -related car accident risks that potentially  affect their driving abilities.

The national population of older drivers has increased significantly over the past decade. According to the AARP,  the population of motorists above the age of 65 increased by almost 30% between 2012 and 2021.  The car accident rate for senior drivers  of this age group increased by more than 4% between 2021 and 2022.  The  number of car accident wrongful deaths involving motorists above  the age of 65 increased from 7,515 in 2021 to 7,870 the following year.

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Teen drivers have traditionally been regarded some of the most inexperienced and dangerous drivers out there.   Here’s how Gen Z  may be challenging that narrative.

New data shows that Gen Z, or the generation born between 1997 and 2012, may be some of the safest teen drivers in several decades. According to the data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,  Gen Z  teens who received their  licenses in 2012 -the first Gen Z teens to receive their licenses – were less likely to be involved in car accidents compared to driver’s license holders in previous generations.

This is in spite of the fact that Gen Z is one of the most technologically adept generations, and has grown up with 24/7 access to smartphones and technology in cars.  With all the technology and distractions available in a car, you would think that teen drivers are now the most distracted of all drivers, and, therefore,  some of the most dangerous on the roads.  The  data actually finds that that may not be true at all, at least relative to the accident risks of previous generations of teen drivers.  This generation of teenage driver seems to have lower accident rates compared to previous generations of teenage motorists.

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While most motorists arrange to take alternate means of transportation when they are too intoxicated to drive, they may not be as cautious when they are sleepy and not in any condition to operate a vehicle. Unfortunately, this lack of caution results in a significant number of car accidents.

The results of a new study by the National Sleep Foundation reveals the cavalier attitude that most Americans continue to have towards drowsy driving.  This is in spite of the fact that driving while sleeping or fatigued   contributes to thousands of car accidents every year.  Many of these car accidents are fatal while others may result in severe or catastrophic personal injuries.

The National Sleep Foundation survey found that as many as 7 out of 10 American motorists  were likely to seek out  alternate needs of transportation when  they found themselves to be too intoxicated to drive.  However,  the approach to drowsy driving was markedly dissimilar. Only four out of every 10 American motorists,  who had not had enough sleep and were too sleepy to drive, admitted to finding alternate modes of  transportation.

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The  Governors  Highway Safety Association is collaborating with  a major insurer  to make it more accessible for Americans to prevent distracted driving auto accidents.  A new website is part of this effort to help reduce the incidence of distracted driving on our streets.

The  Governors  Highway Safety Association recently announced a collaboration with State Farm Insurance. The initiative includes a website  called, and the aim of the initiative is to empower  parents and guardians to raise a new generation of motorists  who will be less addicted to technology and distractions at the wheel.

Parents have a huge role to play in molding their children’s driving skills.  Distracted driving is a major killer on American roads, and contributes to more than half of all car accidents recorded in Georgia every year.   These are alarming statistics, and it is clear that government- led initiatives and legislation have limited impact in reducing the incidence of distracted driving.   This is why the Governors Highway Safety Association Highway is bringing the topic of distracted driving into American homes.

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With  hundreds of thousands of children across the metro Atlanta region now back at school, it is important for motorists, parents and other stakeholders to focus on looking out for school buses and keeping children safe. Unfortunately, every year there are car accidents near school buses in which children are killed or injured.

As a motorist, know the rules to follow when it comes to sharing the roads with school buses.  School buses are some of the most regulated vehicles on our streets, and, therefore, are subject to a number of rules and regulations.  Motorists  in Georgia and other states are also required to follow the rules when they share the roads with these massive vehicles and their precious cargo, in order to avoid auto accidents.

When you are following a school bus, look out for the flashing lights. Yellow  lights mean that the bus is preparing to slow down, which means that you need to slow down and prepare to stop as well.  A red light means that children are being picked up or dropped off.  You must remain stopped while the red light is on and the Stop arm is extended. Wait till the bus actually starts moving before you start your car and move ahead too.

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