Articles Posted in In The News

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When an individual has been convicted of drunk driving, they often are required to have an ignition interlock device placed on their cars. These devices prevent a person from starting a car until they have passed a breath test for driving. States have passed compliance laws that strictly require individuals who have had an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle after a DUI offense to comply with these devices. The devices can only be removed once the person has shown to have complied with the devices for a defined period of time. These compliance laws seem to have much higher success than other methods of preventing repeat offenses and reducing the risk of alcohol – related car accidents.

Those  findings come from a new study conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association. The report focused on the effectiveness of compliance- based removal components in ignition interlock device laws.  Currently, all states, including Georgia, have some form of ignition interlock device laws which require that they get devices installed in their vehicles that prevent them from operating their vehicle if their system contains more than a certain amount of alcohol.  At  least 33 states have compliance- based removal laws in place that clearly define conditions that must be met for an exit from the interlock device requirement.  Georgia, unfortunately, does not have a compliance- based removal component as part of its  ignition  interlock device laws.

The  Governors Highway Safety Association focused on two states that   have compliance – based removal laws and two states that do not have such laws.  The study established that states that have compliance -based laws have  much lower recidivism rates  for drunk driving compared to states that do not have such compliance laws in place. The Governors Highway Safety Association researchers say that there is no way to absolutely confirm that these higher recidivism rates in states that do not have compliance -based removal laws were related to the absence of these laws and that other factors could also play a role.  But  they also stress that compliance -based  removal laws do  provide an extra layer of protection that can prevent these auto accidents. The researchers  are encouraging states like Georgia to review their ignition interlock laws to identify deficiencies and correct  these in order to make these laws more effective.

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Researchers  have known for a while that a brain injury can result in depression, but the kind of depression that a traumatic brain injury causes is different from other forms of depression. Traumatic brain injuries often arise out of car accidents, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents, or any other event that causes a significant impact to the head.

A  new study finds that the kind of depression that results after a brain injury may be different from   regular  depression with some unique symptoms.  In  fact, the researchers believe that  brain injury -related depression could possibly be its own distinct condition.  These  are important findings because they shed new light on the kind of consequences that a brain injury patient can suffer.

For years now, researchers have known that  depression can set in after a person has suffered a brain injury,  but there have been questions about whether the depression is a result of the injury itself or because of the trauma related to the car accident or incident that caused the personal injury.  The general consensus, however, is that the depression is caused by the personal injury.

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Recent census data shows that America’s population is steadily getting older and the median age of the country is now at  a record high.  Over  the next couple of decades, we can expect a significant increase in the number of senior drivers on our streets, demanding a closer look at the safety implications involved, including the increase risk of personal injuries from car accidents.

The  US Census Bureau recently released  estimates of the country’s population and these showed that the nation’s median age increased to 38.9 years between 2021 and 2022. That is a record high and is due to a steady decline in birth rates in the United States.  The  data shows that no state recorded a drop in median age during this time.

For anyone concerned about roadway safety in the country, these numbers merit interest.  The data clearly indicates that there will be a significant increase in the population of senior drivers on our roads in the near future.  There  is no data to show that senior drivers are automatically  more dangerous drivers than others.  In  fact, they have lower auto accident rates than many groups of drivers, including teenage drivers.

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Summer is when there is typically an uptick in the number of dog bites and attacks reported across Georgia and the rest of the country.  Did you know  that there are three dog breeds that most home insurance companies simply refuse to include in their dog bite liability coverage?

Many insurance companies have breed lists that include breeds of dogs that the company will not cover if the customer has the specified breed of dog in their home.  Most  insurance companies, for instance, refuse to include  Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers and pit bulls in their  liability coverage.  That  means that if you are a homeowner who owns one of these breeds, you are  likely to find yourself in serious financial trouble if your dog attacks another person and that person brings a dog bite claim for damages against you.

While some insurance companies have such breed lists, others may consider whether they will provide coverage for these dogs on a case -by – case basis. For instance, many insurance companies refuse to extend coverage when a  homeowner has a dog that has been tagged as a “vicious dog” on the premises. A “vicious dog” is one that has been involved in an attack or a bite involving injuries or damage.

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Georgia gets a mention in a new list of some of the worst driving states in the country, thanks to a new study which considered a number of factors including car accident rates while assigning rankings.

The rankings come from research conducted by Quote Wizard.  The Quote Wizard team analyzed more than ten million insurance quotes before arriving at these findings. The company releases its list of the worst driving states in the country every year and this year, Georgia is mentioned in the top 25 worst driving states in the United States. The state ranks at number 17 on the list.

The research team used several parameters, including the number of auto accidents, DUI violations,  number of speeding tickets issued in each state and the citations for violations for running a red light or using a cell phone while driving.  According to the research team, states that were ranked in the top 25 worst driving states had high auto accident rates compared to the states that were ranked at the bottom of the list which had lower car accident rates in comparison.

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An estimated 2.8 million Americans suffer from a brain injury every year, and more than 5 million Americans currently live with a disability that has been caused by a brain injury. Since 2021 and right through 2023, the Brain injury Association of America has been commemorating Brain Injury Awareness Month in the month of March  with the theme “More Than My Brain Injury. “

According to the Brain injury Association of America, an overwhelming majority of all brain injuries are caused as a result of falls.  An  estimated 47% of all traumatic brain injuries every year are caused by falls, with car accidents accounting for the second highest number of brain injuries at 13%. Approximately 17% of traumatic brain injuries are caused when a person is struck by an object, while 8% are the result of violent assaults. Other causes of brain injury include medical malpractice.

Whatever the cause of the brain injury, these are some of the most common serious personal injuries in the United States, and also some of the most misunderstood.  The  Brain Injury Association of America estimates that as many as one in 60 people suffers from a disability resulting from a brain injury.  This  means that it is highly likely that you know someone who suffers from cognitive deficits,  memory problems,  difficulties in concentration  and a variety of other disabilities as a result of a traumatic brain injury.

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Chain reaction auto accidents that involve multiple vehicles are a serious threat during the winter season. With winter storms and blizzards in many parts of the country, including Georgia recently, it is important for motorists to understand that these are some of the most treacherous conditions that they could be driving in.

Many parts of Georgia, especially the north, typically see several snowstorms over the winter season. If you are a motorist in Georgia or plan to travel around the state over winter, it is likely that you will come across some kind of snow storm or other wintry or icy road conditions.  It is important for motorists to understand that these are some of the most treacherous and hazardous weather conditions for a motorist to drive in.  Multi-vehicle chain reaction car accidents that initially start off with a single vehicle or two are common during the winter months. Elsewhere around the country, several multi vehicle accidents have resulted in serious personal injuries and wrongful deaths this winter season.

Protect  yourself  against being involved in a multi vehicle auto accident this winter by following these tips.

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A new list of the most dangerous roads in the country includes at least three interstates that run through the state of Georgia.  These highways are already very well known in the state for the large number of auto accidents that they see every year.

The list was compiled by Zebra car insurance company. The company used data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System to identify the states and cities that are home to the most dangerous roads in the country based on the number of car accidents and fatal crashes that occur on these roads. The company specifically looked at the number of car accident deaths for every 100 million vehicle miles traveled.

Taking top position, to no one’s surprise is Interstate 95, a notoriously dangerous stretch of highway that has long been known for the large number of car accidents, including fatal auto accidents, that occur here. Interstate 95 has long held the title of the country’s most dangerous highway.  According to data by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019, a total of 284 people were killed in car accidents on interstate 95.  This highway has a fatality toll rate of 14.88 deaths for every 100,000 miles traveled. By any comparison, those are disturbing statistics.

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New automobiles that come with advanced safety technology have reduced the disparity between male and female motorists in the kind of injuries caused in car accidents.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released the results of a new report which finds that newer automobiles, particularly those of model years 2010 and later, do a much better job of protecting female motorists against personal injuries and reducing the disparity in injuries between female and male drivers.

These findings were published in a report titled Female Crash Fatality Risk Relative to Males With Similar Physical Impacts. Traditionally, there has been a discrepancy between male and female motorists in the outcomes of auto accidents.  Women are almost 40 percent more likely to suffer injuries in car accidents.

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A judge in Fulton County has set a bond for a motorist who police allege, caused a drunk driving accident on I- 20 early in the month.  The impact of the crash caused one of the passengers in the car the motorist hit, a 21-year-old woman to be ejected from the car.  She sustained fatal injuries.  The other people in the car were also injured, and still recovering in the hospital.

This judge set a bond of $310,000 for the alleged driver on charges that range from DUI to first degree homicide.  For the family of the woman killed in the accident, it’s been a frustrating experience to see the man they believe responsible for their loved one’s death out on bond.

There has been a decline in injuries and fatalities caused by drunk driving accidents across Georgia.  For example, in 2008, there were 416 deaths caused by drunk driving accidents.  That was a decline over 2007, and mirrored the drop across most of Georgia, and, in fact, most of the country.  Much of this decline can be attributed to better enforcement efforts  .Law enforcement has become more aggressive about cracking down on drunk drivers randomly over the weekends and major holidays.

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