Articles Posted in Car Accidents

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The driver of a Cobb CountyTransit bus, which was involved in a serious pedestrian accident last week that left a pedestrian with an amputated leg, has now been charged. Atlanta police have charged the driver, Jean Lewis with failure to yield to a pedestrian on a crosswalk and failure to exercise due care. Of course, pedestrian accidents are more often involve the most serious injuries.

Lewis was driving a Cobb County transit bus when it struck a 54-year-old pedestrian. The bus struck the woman as it was turning left at a light. According to witnesses, the woman apparently saw the bus pulling out of the Hamilton Holmes Marta Station, and tried to walk faster, but she was struck by the rear of the bus, and fell to the ground. She suffered a severe leg and a broken ankle. According to Cobb County Representatives, the driver will be removed from service, pending completion of the investigation.

This pedestrian accident comes as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports on an increase in pedestrian wrongful deaths around the country. The increase is minimal, just .4%, but it comes after four continuous years of declining pedestrian accident deaths.

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The state of Georgia ranks at number 32 in a USA Today compilation of states based on auto accident death rate per 100,000 population. In 2009, 1,284 people died in car accidents in Georgia, and the state had a death rate per 100,000 population of 13.1. That is much above the national average of 11 per 100,000 population. Of course, a significant number of deaths generally occur in urban areas such as Atlanta, Georgia.

Georgia and other states like Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi and Delaware with strong rural neighborhoods seem to have high death rates in car accidents. The reason for this, according to the USA Today report, could be the fact that many of the states with significant numbers of wrongful deaths due to car accidents have large rural communities.

Most of the traffic in rural communities plies on two-lane roads. These roads typically tend to be poorly designed, and lack the safety enhancements and engineering that make urban roads safer. It’s no coincidence that the states that have featured at the top of the list (ie: least deaths), like Washington DC and Massachusetts have more urban roads.

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In many of the serious auto accidents that Atlanta car accident lawyers come across, seatbelt use was the only thing preventing devastating injuries or death. However, there is one category of drivers that is most aware of the importance of wearing seatbelts to avoid accidents, but neglect to wear seatbelts anyway. According to a new study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, at least 42% of police officers, who were killed in auto accidents over the past 28 years, were not wearing seat belts at the time.

The NHTSA study analyzed 733 fatal police auto accidents from 1980 through 2008, and found that more than 42% of the officers during these auto accidents were not wearing seat belts. Across the country, there have been concerns about low seatbelt usage rates among police officers. In Georgia too, we have a similar situation, and to a lay person, it can be quite perplexing. After all, officers don’t neglect to pull a motorist over when they find seatbelt violations, and it seems odd that they don’t obey laws they help enforce.

Many police departments are aware of this low seatbelt usage rate, and condone it because wearing seat belts can interfere with certain aspects of a police officer’s responsibilities. While officers are expected to wear seat belts during a patrol or when they are responding to a scene of a crime, they may begin unbuckling when the pursuit is winding down, or when there is a need for them to get out of the car and pursue a suspect.

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been focusing extra hard on rollover safety recently. A new rule that the agency announced this week is also aimed at preventing serious and devastating injuries in rollover auto accidents. The agency this week announced new regulations that would require passenger vehicles to keep occupants inside the vehicle during a rollover.

Under the new regulations, automakers would be required to design safety systems that would prevent passengers from being ejected from the side windows during a rollover.Automakers are likely to use technologies like rollover sensing side airbag systems to prevent passengers from being ejected through the side window during a rollover accident. Some sport utility vehicles already come with these side airbag systems. These airbags deploy immediately during rollover, and then remain open for a period of time, thereby preventing passengers from being ejected outside the window.

The new rule will be phased in during the beginning of 2013. All new vehicles will be required to have the systems by the year 2018.

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It’s now the turn of Georgia, especially the metropolitan Atlanta area, to bear the force of a harsh winter that has amplified auto accident risks for motorists. The week began with a heavy snowstorm that left much of Atlanta covered with snow. Earlier this week, hoping to decrease the number of auto accidents, the Department Of Transportation urged all Atlanta motorists to stay at home. The warning also included large commercial truckers, who are likely to find these driving conditions even more hazardous. Of course, truck accidents pose a significant risk of injury and death. None of the major school districts took any chances, with classes called off in all the major school districts.

By Tuesday, transportation crews had been able to clear large interstates and highways, but the next morning, much of the snow was refrozen. Besides, even when the snow melts, it’s quite likely that the streets will continue to be treacherous. Thin ice will remain on the surface streets, especially on those roads that don’t see much traffic. In fact, you can expect the ice to remain until temperatures began to climb again. Meteorologists don’t expect temperatures to rise until this weekend.

The thin layer of ice on surface streets is a serious accident hazard. This layer is barely visible, and creates a super-slippery surface that can have everything from a passenger vehicle to a tractor-trailer careening out of control.

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There’s been yet another tragic school bus accident in McDuffie County, Georgia. This accident resulted in the death of the driver of the school bus. The accident occurred when the bus went out of control and ran into a ditch. The driver was ejected from the bus. She was rushed to the hospital with serious injuries, but died soon after.

The bus had about 10 students.Two of the children suffered serious injuries, and were rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately, one of the children who was injured was the driver’s own son. The accident apparently occurred on a dirt road just outside of Dearing. The driver seems to have lost control of the bus as it slid off the road. School drivers of the McDuffie County School System are mourning the loss of one of their own.

The Georgia State Patrol is investigating the accident. Some questions are being raised about the condition of the road at the time of the crash.

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More than a week to go for Christmas, and already Atlanta car accident lawyers have noticed a rise in the number of car accidents linked to intoxicated driving. Two people have been killed in two separate suspected drunk driving accidents in Gwinnett County this week. Auto accidents involving drunk drivers are some of the most serious accidents which occur.

The first accident occurred on Monday morning on northbound Interstate 85 in Norcross. A Cadillac DeVille that had stopped after an earlier auto accident, was struck by a Mitsubishi Montero. A passenger in the Cadillac sustained fatal injuries.

A few minutes later, a second accident involving three separate vehicles in Duluth, left one person dead. This was a head-on accident that also killed a passenger. Besides these two fatalities, both of the accidents resulted in several injuries. Charges are pending in both accidents. Police believe alcohol intoxication was a factor in both of these crashes.

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There is no doubt that drowsy driving causes a significant number of auto accidents and, therefore, is a serious problem on Atlanta streets. However, it has been ignored as an accident factor not just by legislators, but also by law enforcement officers who investigate auto accidents. According to a recent study by the National Sleep Foundation, as many as one in six serious or fatal car accidents is linked to drowsy driving.

Those statistics released by the National Sleep Foundation earlier this year made everyone sit up and take notice. However, as Atlanta car accident attorneys, we have been awake to the dangers of drowsy driving for years now.That’s why it was encouraging to read about new technology to prevent drowsy driving.

A new device manufactured by a Danish company acts as an automated drowsy driving test system inside your car to let you know when it’s time for you to take a break. The device is called Anti-Sleep Pilot, and it’s manufactured by Denmark-based APS Technology. The device develops a profile of the driver based on a number of questions, including whether the driver is on any medications, or whether he’s a shift-based worker. This profile is stored in the system, and when the driver is operating the vehicle, the system analyzes this data along with other information to develop a test.

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A new study confirms that stronger automobile roofs minimize the severity of injuries in a rollover auto accidents. The study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration compared automobile roof strength test results of several cars with real- life rollover auto accidents. The researchers found a direct link between automobile roof strength results and the number of centimeters that the roof is pushed into the occupant at the time of an auto accident. Earlier studies had also confirmed that stronger auto roofs lower the risk of, as well as severity of, injuries to the head, neck and face.

The NHTSA study comes at an opportune time. Last year, the agency had announced that it was strengthening auto roof strength standards. According to the agency’s new standards, automakers will need to maintain a ratio of 1.5 for vehicles with gross weight ratings from 6,000 to 10,000 pounds. The current ratings only require a ratio of 1.5 for vehicles with gross weight ratings of up to 6,000 pounds. According to the agency, the new rules will lead to approximately 135 lives being saved every year in rollover auto accidents.

Rollovers comprise a small percentage of the total number of car accidents in the US every year. However, these are some of the most devastating auto accidents that Atlanta car accident attorneys come across, and in fact, cause approximately 30% of all traffic fatalities. The NHTSA has focused heavily on reducing the numbers of wrongful deaths in these auto accidents. For instance, new rules require all automobiles to come with electronic stability control systems that reduce the risk of a rollover. You can now find electronic stability control systems on most models that are available in the market. These systems prevent the risk of a rollover by allowing the driver to retain control over his vehicle during certain high-risk maneuvers, like braking or turning at high speeds.

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2009 might have seen the lowest numbers of auto, truck and motorcycle accidents, injuries and fatalities in years, but there’s still much that can be done to improve traffic safety in Georgia. Atlanta car accident lawyers have a particular list of goodies that they would love to see delivered by state transportation safety agencies and federal agencies to decrease accidents in Atlanta and throughout Georgia.

Here is our Most Wanted list for 2011.

More Progress against Distracted Driving

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