Articles Posted in Car Accidents

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Federal transportation safety agencies recorded a 3% drop in auto accident, truck accident, and motorcycle accident wrongful deaths in 2010.Southern states including Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida also recorded a 3% drop in accident deaths last year.Last year’s figures are the lowest accident death rates on record since 1949. As an Atlanta Injury lawyer, I welcome the latest report of the decline in these numbers.

The Georgia/South Carolina/Alabama/Tennessee/Florida region recorded 6,375 car accident deaths in 2010, a drop of 3% from 2009, when there were 6,573 accident deaths.Overall, nationwide, there were 32, 788 auto accident, truck accident and motorcycle accident deaths in 2010, a decline of 3% from 33,808 fatalities in 2009.Moreover, the decline in car accident deaths was the lowest on record since 1949.Last year accident deaths also marked a 25% drop since 2005.

The statistics also seem to put to rest the theory that the decline in car accident fatalities has had a lot to do with the recession.Last year, Americans traveled more vehicle miles, but fewer Americans died in accidents.There are other reasons that have contribute to this decline that have been evident for the past few years.Higher seat belt usage rate is typically one of those factors.More drivers in Georgia now buckle up than ever before and this has meant fewer fatalities in accidents.

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The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has come out with a new study that promotes traffic safety initiatives of the kind Atlanta pedestrian accident attorneys have been advocating for too -the use of technology to prevent pedestrian accidents. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I have seen a significant number of car accidents involving pedestrians. These auto accidents often involve serious personal injuries and many times result in the wrongful death of the pedestrian. Any technology that decreases the number of pedestrian accidents is a welcome innovation.

The Insurance Institute has studied technologies that can help prevent these accidents, and for this, it has analyzed the most common kinds of pedestrian accident scenarios.Between 2005 and 2009, 224,000 pedestrians were involved in front-impact accidents involving single passenger vehicles.Out of these 13,193 pedestrians were killed.

According to the Insurance Institute, the most common kinds of pedestrian accident scenarios involve a person crossing the road, and a car traveling straight ahead towards the pedestrian.In these cases, the motorist has a clear view of the pedestrian, but is unable to stop in time.The Insurance Institute study is promoting the use of forward collision warning systems, including pedestrian technology, to prevent these accidents.Forward collision warning systems have been very popular for some time now.These systems allow the driver to detect an object that is in the path of the car, thereby encouraging him to apply the brakes, and prevent an accident.Some of these systems now come with pedestrian detection technology that enables the driver to detect not only an object, but also a pedestrian in the car’s path.

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Since the Bluffton University bus accident in Atlanta in 2007, Atlanta bus accident attorneys have been calling for greater use of technology to prevent bus accidents and reduce the severity of injuries.It certainly looks like we have been on the right track all along.The National Transportation Safety Board this week said that although technology that could prevent bus accidents exists, federal regulators have failed to act to implement their use. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I applaud the NTSB’s criticism of federal regulators.

The National Transportation Safety Board comments came as Atlanta bus accident lawyers and bus safety advocates from around the country have been increasing calls for stronger bus safety regulations by the federal legislation.Those calls came in the aftermath of a deadly bus accident in New York in March that resulted in the wrongful death of 15 people.The bus, a low-budget carrier transferring passengers to a casino in Connecticut, was on its way back to Chinatown, when it skidded, flipped over, and crashed into a sign pole.The impact sliced the bus into two, killing 14 passengers almost immediately, while the last passenger died in the hospital a few days later.

This week, the National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Deborah Hersmann had stinging criticism for the bus industry, which that has lagged behind in providing safety to its passengers.Deriding the state of American bus safety, Hersmann said that her minivan came with more advanced safety features than most buses on American roads.

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For years now, the intersection of Newnan Road and Olympic Dr. in Carroll County Georgia has been one of the most dangerous intersections in the state.For the past five years alone, this intersection has been the scene of more than 50 auto accidents.These accidents have resulted in one wrongful death and at least 15 other personal injuries.Finally, construction work to enhance safety at the intersection and make it safer, has begun. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, although we are glad to see the intersection improved, we are disappointed that it took over 50 car accidents for the work to finally begin.

The Carroll County Board of Commissioners had voted back in November to move forward with a construction project that would allow for a smoother flow of traffic around what is normally a very busy intersection.This would not only facilitate easy movement of traffic, but also reduce the number of accidents that occur at this intersection.However, work was delayed because of power and utility companies that had to move lines from the area.Last week, AT&T completed the process of moving its cable lines, and now, construction work can finally go ahead.

Making this intersection safer for all residents of Carroll County has been a challenge.There have been several efforts made to calm traffic in this area, and reduce the risk of accidents.However, many of these initiatives had been shot down by transportation authorities.The Georgia Department of Transportation, for instance, rejected calls for a traffic light and a roundabout at the intersection amid concerns about traffic backup and other issues.

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Most motorcycle accidents occur in the daytime and at intersections, and can usually be linked to motorist failure to see the motorcyclist in time.As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I find that some of the most serious and debilitating injuries arise out of motorcycle accidents. A motorcyclist is far more likely to be injured in an auto accident than a passenger in a car. As the year’s biking season kicks off, Georgia motorcycle accident attorneys would advise motorists to exercise extra caution.

Georgia’s motorcyclists will enjoy the warm spring weather, after what has been at times, a horribly cruel winter.The weather being as pleasant as it is, motorists can expect not just local Georgia motorcyclists, but also motorcyclists from neighboring states on their way to southern destinations.However, with the increase in motorcyclists, comes an increased risk of accidents.Biking season is the right time to remind drivers that most motorcycle accidents are caused by motorists and drivers of other vehicles, and not motorcyclists.

In Georgia at least, we have noticed a trend of blaming motorcyclists every time there’s an accident involving these riders.Most people are quick to assume that it’s motorcyclists who disobey traffic laws, ride too fast, and try stunts on the motorcycle.Nothing could be further from the truth.Most motorcyclists are aware that any foolish behavior can have devastating consequences for them, and not so much for the occupants of the other vehicle involved in the crash.

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In any trial involving intentional misconduct or in which a defendant has consciously disregarded the consequences of his or her conduct, Atlanta personal injury lawyers will ask juries to award compensatory damages and punitive damages to the plaintiff.Cases involving punitive damages include drunk driving car accidents, construction accidents in which the worker was using drugs, trucking accidents in which the truck company negligently hired or retained a clearly unqualified driver, dog bite cases in which the dog has repeatedly bitten other persons, or other injury cases in which the defendant’s conduct is more than just negligent. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, we thoroughly investigate all cases to determine if the case is appropriate for an award of punitive damages.

Compensatory damages are meant to do just that-compensate the plaintiff for all his economic and non-economic losses as a result of the defendant’s negligence.These losses could include medical expenses (hospitalization, medical bills, doctor fees, surgeries, physical therapy and rehabilitation), plus income and lost potential income in the future.Non-economic losses could include the plaintiff’s physical pain and mental suffering and loss of consortium/affection.However, punitive damages are awarded not to compensate the plaintiff, but to punish the defendant and to deter him from committing such conduct in the future.

A new report by the US Department of Justice Office of Justice titled Punitive Damage Awards in State Courts 2005 provides an interesting summary of punitive damages awards that year. In the year 2005, there were 22 tort and contract trials in Fulton County, Georgia, which resulted in plaintiff victories.Out of these, 9% resulted in punitive damages being awarded to the plaintiff.Across the country, that same year, punitive damages were awarded in 14,359 trials that ended with plaintiff victories.

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A six-year-old Atlanta boy who was injured in an SUV car accident in Cobb County is expected to recover from his injuries.The boy had been injured in the accident that occurred on Sunday at the intersection of Macland Road and John Ward Road.

The child was apparently traveling in an SUV that was T-boned by another vehicle at the intersection.The impact of the accident caused the SUV to flip over.The boy sustained a head injury, and had to be rushed to the hospital.Police are likely to charge the other driver with failure to yield.

Very often, Atlanta car accident attorneys notice that T-bone collisions which occur near an intersection, occur because one of the drivers ran a red light.T-bone accidents involve a car that crashes through traffic and into the side of another car.These side-impact accidents are some of the most injurious of all auto accidents.Side impact crashes can cause serious injuries and fatalities, because there is very little space protecting the occupants of the car from the full impact of the collision.This is unlike a frontal impact collision, where the front of the automobile absorbs much of the energy from the accident, cushioning the occupants from injuries.

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The Atlanta car accident lawyers at our firm have been blogging regularly about the need for more trauma care centers in Georgia to treat auto accident victims and others.Rural areas in Georgia have a severe shortage of trauma care centers to treat individuals who have suffered serious personal injuries. This has resulted in a significant number of unnecessary deaths. Unfortunately, a recent vote to provide a limited tax to increase the number of trauma centers was defeated.

According to estimates, approximately 700 people in Georgia are killed every year because they lacked immediate access to emergency trauma care.Many of these people were injured in catastrophic accidents, and sustained serious injuries that could not be treated without the facilities available at a trauma center.The first hour after a person suffers serious injuries is the “golden hour,” and if the person receives emergency care during this time, his chances of surviving the accident or injuries increase substantially.Unfortunately, many people who are involved in auto accidents in Georgia cannot be taken to an emergency trauma care center in time because there is not one close enough to them.

According to estimates, there should be at least 30 trauma centers in Georgia for trauma care access for all.Currently, we need at least 12 more centers to ensure that all Georgia residents live within 50 miles of a trauma center.Georgia’s trauma care network leaves much to be desired, and the average trauma death rate in our state is much worse than the national average.To make matters worse, recent budget cuts have slashed approximately $10 million of funding for the existing trauma care centers in Georgia.

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As Atlanta pedestrian accident attorneys, we often come across cases involving pedestrians seriously injured in accidents caused by senior motorists.A new study conducted by Israeli researchers suggests that elder drivers may suffer from an inability to see things in their peripheral vision that prevents them from seeing pedestrians on the curb or sidewalk. This increases the likelihood of a pedestrian accident. Of course, auto accidents involving pedestrians often involve the most serious injuries.

The study came out of a spike in pedestrian accidents involving senior motorists in Israel.The researchers were looking at the specific challenges an elderly motorist faces as far as pedestrian safety is concerned.The researchers placed older motorists in a simulator, and measured their responses to vital safety signals.

They found that drivers above the age of 65 were half as likely to spot a pedestrian as younger drivers.Not only that, they also found that senior motorists were just half as likely to tap the brakes when they spotted a pedestrian on the curb or sidewalk, as younger drivers.This signifies one of two things-either these motorists don’t spot a pedestrian in time to react, or they don’t consider pedestrians a serious accident hazard.Either of these theories spells danger for any pedestrian in the path of an elderly motorist.

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According to Consumer Reports, teenagers are dying and suffering serious injuries every year because of car accidents caused by texting and using cell phones while driving.The safety advocacy group along with the US Department of Transportation have announced a new campaign aimed at minimizing the incidence of distracted driving among teen motorists. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I very much applaud their efforts. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of deaths and injury among teenagers. Simply put, too many families have been devastated by these car accidents.

According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Utah, the average reaction time for a teenage motorist driving and talking on a cell phone was equal to that of a 70-year-old driver not using a phone while driving.There are numerous other studies that have clearly laid out the significantly increased accident risks that come when motorists are using cell phones while driving.For instance, a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that texting while driving could increase a motorist’s risk of an accident by a staggering 23 times.

According to the same study, physically dialing a phone while driving increases the risk of an accident by as much as six times.In 2009, approximately 16% of all fatal accidents were caused by distracted driving.At least one in five of those deaths involved the use of cell phones or texting while driving.

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