Articles Posted in Car Accidents

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Chain reaction auto accidents that involve multiple vehicles are a serious threat during the winter season. With winter storms and blizzards in many parts of the country, including Georgia recently, it is important for motorists to understand that these are some of the most treacherous conditions that they could be driving in.

Many parts of Georgia, especially the north, typically see several snowstorms over the winter season. If you are a motorist in Georgia or plan to travel around the state over winter, it is likely that you will come across some kind of snow storm or other wintry or icy road conditions.  It is important for motorists to understand that these are some of the most treacherous and hazardous weather conditions for a motorist to drive in.  Multi-vehicle chain reaction car accidents that initially start off with a single vehicle or two are common during the winter months. Elsewhere around the country, several multi vehicle accidents have resulted in serious personal injuries and wrongful deaths this winter season.

Protect  yourself  against being involved in a multi vehicle auto accident this winter by following these tips.

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Concussions are some of the most common head injuries that occur in car accidents and motorcycle accidents, but are often ignored with sometimes serious consequences.  It is this mindset that the nation’s premier brain injury advocacy group will seek to change with a new initiative.

The Brain Injury Association of America in collaboration with Abbott recently launched a coalition of more than 20 brain injury advocacy groups.  The coalition called Concussion Awareness Now will conduct education campaigns across the country in order to raise awareness about the possibly serious consequences of concussions.

According to experts, concussions are often brushed aside as minor injuries.  These injuries sometimes can result in no loss of consciousness and no bleeding.  There may be no swelling or inflammation at the site of the injury.  The lack of any visible symptoms can sometimes spur people into a sense of complacency, and many victims who have suffered a concussion may not even seek medical treatment.

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People who have suffered an alcohol related personal injury, like an injury that results from a drunk driving car accident,  may have their chances of dying in the year after the injury increase significantly.

As the holiday season commences, it is important for Georgia motorists to understand that driving under the influence of alcohol, or otherwise using alcohol irresponsibly in a manner that  causes them personal injury may actually increase  their chances of dying in the year after the injury.  According to the results of a new study that was published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, when a person suffers an injury of the kind that results from an alcohol -related car accident, or any alcohol-related accident, especially an injury that is serious enough to require hospitalization, the chances of the person dying after the injury increase by a staggering 5 times.

The researchers looked at people who suffered from alcohol – related disorders and analyzed their fatality risk after suffering a serious personal injury related to their alcoholism.  Different types of injuries were studied as part of the research. These injuries include those that result from drunk driving accidents as well as slip and fall accidents which are common when a person is inebriated and not in complete control of his senses. The researchers also included those injuries that occurred as a result of attempted self-harm,  or  when the person is involved in drunken fights.

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An increasing population of senior motorists on Georgia roads translates into a large number of drivers with possibly impaired driving abilities, and an increased risk of auto accidents.

It is important to note that not every person above the age of 65  is a dangerous driver.  In fact, a fit and healthy senior can expect to be driving for many more years, provided he or she is in excellent physical health.  However, in some cases, a senior motorist may exhibit signs of impairment that can impact his ability to drive safely. Because a senior’s impaired driving abilities can significantly affect not just his or her own safety, but also the safety of other motorists on the road, it is up to the family to look out for warning signs of declining driving abilities and heightened car accident risks in the senior.

Here are some warning signs that should alert you to the possibility that your loved one is incapable of driving safely.

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Auto braking systems that use sensors, cameras and other devices to determine whether the vehicle is too close to the vehicle in front can significantly reduce the risks of auto accidents involving pickup trucks.   However, according to a new study, far too many pickup trucks are lacking this important safety feature.

Many automobiles now come with automatic braking systems that significantly reduce the risk of certain types of auto accidents, specifically rear-ender accidents.   Pickup truck manufacturers have been slow to add these very important safety features to their vehicles. A new study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety lays down exactly how important automatic braking systems are for pickup trucks.

The study used data from 25 states between 2007 and 2012,  and the researchers found in their analysis that the rate of rear-end car accidents involving pickup trucks was 43% lower in cases in which the truck was equipped with an automatic braking system. In cases of auto accidents involving an injury, the rate was 42% lower in the case of pickup trucks equipped with automatic braking systems.  Overall, there was a 73% reduction in the number of injurious and fatal car accidents involving pickup trucks, when these vehicles were equipped with auto braking systems.

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A new list of the most dangerous roads in the country includes at least three interstates that run through the state of Georgia.  These highways are already very well known in the state for the large number of auto accidents that they see every year.

The list was compiled by Zebra car insurance company. The company used data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System to identify the states and cities that are home to the most dangerous roads in the country based on the number of car accidents and fatal crashes that occur on these roads. The company specifically looked at the number of car accident deaths for every 100 million vehicle miles traveled.

Taking top position, to no one’s surprise is Interstate 95, a notoriously dangerous stretch of highway that has long been known for the large number of car accidents, including fatal auto accidents, that occur here. Interstate 95 has long held the title of the country’s most dangerous highway.  According to data by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019, a total of 284 people were killed in car accidents on interstate 95.  This highway has a fatality toll rate of 14.88 deaths for every 100,000 miles traveled. By any comparison, those are disturbing statistics.

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Gig economy workers and parents are much more likely to be distracted by smartphone apps while driving, exposing them to the risk of an auto accident. This is a simple idea that the majority of these drivers do not understand.

It’s a myth that distracted driving only involves the use of cell phones for texting or having conversations while driving.  As smartphones become more sophisticated and as we rely more and more on smartphone apps for daily routine activities, we find that motorists are at risk of using these apps while at the wheel with possibly disastrous consequences.  A new study finds that gig economy workers are up to four times more likely to use a smartphone app while driving.  Examples are rideshare drivers who may frequently use smartphone apps in order to connect with potential riders.  Similarly, delivery workers are also much more likely to use smartphone apps while driving as part of their daily work routines.

Parents of young children are also very likely to use smartphone apps while driving.  A parent driving his child to school, for instance, might be likely to check on a weather app to learn the forecast ahead, or traffic updates for the route. The study found that drivers of children below the age of 18 were as much as 50% more likely to use a smartphone app while driving.

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New automobiles that come with advanced safety technology have reduced the disparity between male and female motorists in the kind of injuries caused in car accidents.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released the results of a new report which finds that newer automobiles, particularly those of model years 2010 and later, do a much better job of protecting female motorists against personal injuries and reducing the disparity in injuries between female and male drivers.

These findings were published in a report titled Female Crash Fatality Risk Relative to Males With Similar Physical Impacts. Traditionally, there has been a discrepancy between male and female motorists in the outcomes of auto accidents.  Women are almost 40 percent more likely to suffer injuries in car accidents.

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In spite of the fact that so -called “autonomous” cars have been involved in several auto accidents, including fatal crashes, over the past few years, motorists driving these automobiles tend to be complacent and engage in distracting tasks at the wheel.

Many  cars with self-driving automation, including Tesla, have recently been in the spotlight for the car accidents involving these automobiles.  Some of these auto accidents have actually resulted in fatalities. Other cars with partial automation technology like  Super Cruise Cadillac have also been involved in car accidents.  However, knowledge  about these accidents does not seem to stop the motorists who drive these cars from driving recklessly.  A  new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety finds that many motorists driving these cars continue to perform distracting activities, like snacking or texting while at the wheel of these partially autonomous vehicles.

These partially autonomous systems involve two main types of systems that are geared at preventing accidents.  One  is adaptive cruise control which helps control and set the pace at which the vehicle travels,  and the other is lane departure  technology which keeps the car in its lane. These technologies are very effective in helping prevent car accidents, but under no circumstances are they fully autonomous technologies that can replace humans.

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A judge in Fulton County has set a bond for a motorist who police allege, caused a drunk driving accident on I- 20 early in the month.  The impact of the crash caused one of the passengers in the car the motorist hit, a 21-year-old woman to be ejected from the car.  She sustained fatal injuries.  The other people in the car were also injured, and still recovering in the hospital.

This judge set a bond of $310,000 for the alleged driver on charges that range from DUI to first degree homicide.  For the family of the woman killed in the accident, it’s been a frustrating experience to see the man they believe responsible for their loved one’s death out on bond.

There has been a decline in injuries and fatalities caused by drunk driving accidents across Georgia.  For example, in 2008, there were 416 deaths caused by drunk driving accidents.  That was a decline over 2007, and mirrored the drop across most of Georgia, and, in fact, most of the country.  Much of this decline can be attributed to better enforcement efforts  .Law enforcement has become more aggressive about cracking down on drunk drivers randomly over the weekends and major holidays.

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