
What Family Members Can Do to Prevent Senior Auto Accidents

Senior motorists experience a range of deficiencies in their physical and mental faculties that make it difficult for them to drive safely and increase their risks of being involved in auto accidents.  Family members and caregivers have a major role to play in encouraging seniors to give up their car keys when they are no longer in a position to drive safely.

It is important to remember that seniors benefit both physically and mentally from the independence that comes from being mobile and able to drive.  However, there may come a time when your loved one is simply  unable to drive without being a risk to himself and others.  At  this point, you must step in and take away the car keys.  Remember that failing driving faculties may have more to do other issues than with the person’s age.  In other words, you must consider your loved one’s driving performances and abilities, and not just his age while deciding to curtail his driving privileges.

The best way to confirm whether your loved one’s abilities to drive safely are compromised, is to observe him when he is driving.  Look for prime indicators of decline in driving skills.  These can include failing to stop and check both ways for traffic, failure to stop at red or stop signs, or failure to stay in the lane while driving. A safe driver must be able to drive appropriately for the traffic and weather conditions, and must be able to take into consideration the driving of other motorists, motorcycles and other users of the road while driving.

If your loved one shows signs of being unable to make critical driving decisions, like braking in time to avoid a rear-end auto accident, it may be time for you to have that critical conversation with him or her. Check if he or she is driving too fast or too slowly for traffic conditions.  Do not discount any minor scrapes with other cars or minor auto accidents with stationary objects – these point to declining abilities in judgment and perception. Seniors may sometimes get confused or disoriented and end up driving the wrong way.  Seniors with impaired driving abilities may also be more likely to get lost, even on familiar routes.

Even if the person does not make easily identifiable driving mistakes, look for signs of confusion, forgetfulness, agitation, anxiety, loss of coordination, and lower cognitive abilities including slower processing of instructions.  These can all indicate that the person’s driving abilities are deteriorating.   If you see all these signs, it may be time for you and family members to discuss placing restrictions on the person’s driving privileges.

The  Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or a loved one have suffered injuries in an auto accident, talk to an attorney at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You  may    qualify for damages that include medical costs, lost income, pain and suffering and other forms of compensation.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case. Initial consultations are free.

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