
Video Game Technology Helps Predict Young Driver Car Accident Risks

It is always a nerve wracking moment for any parent when their child receives a driver’s license and begins operating a motor vehicle.  A  new technology that makes use of a video game to identify teen responses to car accident risks may help parents understand better what kind of driver their child is likely to become.

Research scientists at the Neuroscience of Driving program at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Injury Research and Prevention recently designed a virtual driving assessment test that is aimed at understanding teenage behaviors and responses to common auto accident risks and evaluating future driving behaviors based on these.

The new technology is called Already Assess by Diagnostic Driving. It consists of a 15 – minute simulator drive that is designed like a video game.  Teenagers  are required to follow the simulated course on a large computer screen using headphones, foot pedals and  a steering wheel. As the teenager moves through the simulated course, the technology monitors around 100 driving skills that can predict the teen’s risk of a car accident. These skills include the crucial ability to navigate difficult curves and intersections, lane position,  control of the vehicle,  the proximity of his vehicle to other vehicles,  and his or her ability to respond to sudden and emergency hazards.  When  the teenager completes the course, he is given a personalized  report card that clearly outlines his or her responses to various stimuli and the areas of deficiency as well as the areas that she or he can improve on.

The research scientists say that they have used the simulation course on more than 17,000 teenagers under the age of 25, and have found certain common patterns.  The  researchers found that drivers who already were at risk of dangerous behaviors were at a 11% higher risk of being involved in a car accident within a year of getting   their license.  Drivers  who performed well on the simulated course were approximately 10% less likely to be involved in a car accident.

The test, however, does not account for other factors that can impact a teenage driver’s risk of being involved in an accident, including the presence of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, driving under the influence of alcohol and not wearing seatbelts while driving. Of course, there can also be a higher risk of auto accidents for teens who drive in urban areas or on interstate highways.  These  are all factors that can increase the risk of an accident and, therefore, injuries in an accident.  Teenagers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, for instance, may be at a higher risk of speeding and impulsive behaviors like not wearing seatbelts while driving.

The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If you have suffered   injuries in an auto accident, talk to an attorney  at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You  may qualify   for compensation that includes medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering and other types of damages.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your claim.  Initial  consultations are free.


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