
Teen Car Accident Wrongful Deaths are on the Decline

Even as the number of adult drivers being killed in car accidents is on the rise, there has been a sharp drop in the number of teen drivers being killed in car accidents. According to new data by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, there has been a significant drop of 44% in the number of teen drivers killed in auto accidents.

The  Governor’s Highway Safety Association analyzed  data from the Fatality  Analysis Reporting System over the past 2 decades, and found that during this time, there was a 38.1% drop in the number of fatal car accidents involving drivers between the age of 15  and 20. During the same period of time, there was also a 44.7% drop in the number of teenagers in this age category being killed in car accidents.  However, there was a 11% increase in the number of car accident deaths involving older drivers. The rate of fatal car accidents involving an older driver above the age of 21 also increased by 7.8% during the same period of time.

What this shows is that while the progress made in reducing the number of car accident deaths involving adult drivers has seemingly reversed, the efforts by organizations like the Governor’s Highway Safety Association to protect teenage drivers and keep them safe in car accidents seem to be showing results. In Georgia, the rate of fatal teen car accidents involving drivers below the age of 21 stood at 6.51 in 2002, and this rate dropped to 4.93 by 2021. The rate of involvement of drivers above the age of 21 in fatal car accidents stood at 2.14 in 2002, and increased to 2.15 in 2021.

There has been a concerted effort to help reduce the auto accident risks of     novice drivers with a strong focus on awareness and education of this particularly vulnerable category of drivers.  Many teenagers now drive vehicles that are designed to protect them in the event of an accident, like SUVs and pickup trucks. The biggest factor in the drop in teen car accident deaths and fatal car accident rates has been the three – step graduated drivers licensing program that is currently followed in many states, including in Georgia. These graduated drivers licensing laws require supervised driving for teen drivers, restrictions on nighttime passengers as well as restrictions on the number of passengers in the car.  All of these restrictions impose a sense of discipline that helps forge a stronger, more informed and responsible driver.

The Atlanta car accident injury lawyers  at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to an attorney at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages. You  may qualify for damages that include medical expenses, lost income,  pain and suffering and other forms of  compensation.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial  consultations are free.

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