
Articles Posted in brain injury


Traumatic Brain Injury Significantly Increases Long-term Stroke Risk

A traumatic brain injury can be caused in car accidents, motorcycle and bicycle accidents, and slip and fall accidents. A fall from a height, for instance, is significantly likely to result in an injury to the brain.  Traumatic brain injuries can have long-term consequences that can significantly impair quality of…


Brain Injuries and Personality Changes

Often, recovery after a brain injury can focus only on the physical aspects of healing including recovery of mobility, movement and the ability to perform routine tasks and take care of one’s needs. Lost in the treatment plan may be the psychological damage and emotional distress that many brain injury…


Exercise May Help Speed up Brain Injury Recovery in Teens

Concussions are mild brain injuries that can occur in a car accident, or a motorcycle or bicycle accident. Wearing a helmet when you ride a motorcycle or a bicycle can help protect your head against injuries in an accident. Short term symptoms after a concussion may include temporary loss of…


Long Term Outcomes for Brain Injury May Be Better than Earlier Believed

A brain injury is one of the most devastating injuries a person can sustain.  Findings from new research could have an impact on doctors’ recommendations for life support for patients with TBI.  This means that persons with a serious brain injury may have much better long-term outcomes than previously expected.…


Drop in Bicycle Head Injuries in Kids, But Adults Still at Risk

The month of May marked the beginning of national bicycle safety month.  Thanks to a greater focus on helmet usage and other factors, there has been a significant reduction in the number of American children suffering serious head injuries in bicycle accidents.  However, adults continue to be at risk of…


Research Sheds New Light on Long Term Effects of Brain Injury

Many may not realize, but traumatic brain injuries are some of the more common injuries associated with slip and fall accidents. New research makes a connection between the kind of mechanical forces that are exerted on the brain during an accident and the long-term consequences of such an impact. Whenever…


Blood Test May Accurately Predict Severity of a Brain Injury

Researchers say that a blood test that could predict the severity of a concussion, even more accurately than a spinal tap, is being developed and could soon be available for testing. Concussions are mild brain injuries that occur when a person suffers a sudden blow or jolt to the head. …


Nanoparticle Tech Promises to be First Real Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as many 2.5 million people in the United States suffer a brain injury every year.  Brain injuries can be a result of many types of accidents including slip and falls, car accidents and bicycle accidents.  Brain injuries are especially common in…

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