
Study Finds Behavior Interventions can Help Reduce Distracted Driving

The use of interventions including financial incentives, goals and social competition can significantly help reduce the incidence of distracted driving on our streets.

Distracted driving causes thousands of car accidents in the metro Atlanta region every year.   A new study proves that different interventions could be used to help bring about changes in driver behaviors, resulting in motorists being less likely to reach out for their cell phones while driving.

The study was conducted by an insurance provider and divided more than 1500 participants into 5 groups.  The first group was the control group which only received information about the dangers of using a handheld cell phone while driving.  Group 2 was given a free phone mount, while group 3 was given habit formation tips over a period of several weeks.  Groups 4 and 5 were sent text messages about their performance on handheld cell phone use goals, and were given the chance to win or lose points based on their usage. Participants in group 5 were also given the chance to share in a $2000 prize if they met their goals.

The participants who were given goals and faced competition as part of their program were found to be the most likely to experience a significant reduction in cell phone use at the wheel.  When financial incentives were added to this combination, the results were even more impressive. Participants who were also given financial incentives exhibited a 28% reduction in the use of handheld cell phone usage at the wheel. Participants who were given incentives and provided feedback about their performance were found to be the most likely to continue to avoid cell phone use at the wheel even after the study was terminated.  The control group which only received information about the dangers of using handheld cell phones while driving did not experience any reduction in cell phone usage.

The study underscores the limited effectiveness of awareness programs.  At  this point, most drivers are extremely aware of the dangers of using cell phones while driving, but this information on its own may not deliver significant results in behavior change. The researchers estimate that these kinds of behavior interventions can deliver good results, and could lead to a reduction of as many as 2 billion distracted driving hours every year.

The study’s findings come even as new data for Georgia finds that distracted driving accounts for more than half of all car accidents in the state every year.

The Atlanta car accident lawyers at   Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to an attorney at our  firm and discuss your legal options for a case for damages.  You  may qualify for compensation that includes medical costs,  lost income,  pain and suffering and other forms of damages.  Talk to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial consultations are free


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