
Stronger Laws, Education and Enforcement Impact Distracted Driving Car Accident Rates

A combination of strong laws, enforcement and education campaigns is being credited for a drop in distracted driving rates in several states.

A new report by the Governors Highway Safety Association finds that distracted driving is a major driver of car accident wrongful death rates. In 2021, distracted driving caused more than 12,000 wrongful deaths in car accidents and resulted in billions of dollars worth of property damage. However, some states have been very successful in reducing their accident fatality numbers.

The Governors Highway Safety Association recently released a report titled A Roadmap for Safer Roads. The report specifically looked at various states that have seen substantial success in reducing distracted driving accident rates and the techniques that have worked for these states. The Governors Highway Safety Association report found that a combination of strong laws, enforcement, education and auto technology was most effective in helping  drive down the number of people using their cell phones while driving.

The report found that several states have found success using techniques like tough laws against the use of cell phones while driving.  These laws are extremely useful in helping curtail these dangerous driving practices.  In  states where the law prohibits the use of hand cell phones while driving, motorists  are less likely to use these devices while they are at the wheel and more likely to focus on the task of driving and not at the device they are holding in their hands.   It isn’t enough simply to have strong laws in place.  It is also important for states to enforce these laws stringently and punish violators.  Successful states have found their distracted driving accident rates drop as a result of stronger enforcement practices.

Other techniques, including the use of awareness and education campaigns to make drivers understand the dangers of using a cell phone while driving,  were also  found to be very effective in helping cut down distracted driving rates. In-vehicle technology to help keep drivers  focused on the task of driving, including apps that incentivize safe driving for motorists as well as other auto technologies like lane departure warning systems, can also help motorists, who are at risk of veering off their lane as a result of distractions, get back on track.

The safest thing you could do as a motorist is to keep your cell phone on mute while driving. Otherwise, make sure that someone else in your car has access to your phone and is able to answer calls or text messages while you are driving.

The Atlanta car accident  lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers  are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You  may   qualify for compensation that includes medical costs, lost income, pain and suffering and other forms of damages.  Talk  to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your case.    Initial consultations are free

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