
Simple Street Design Changes can Help Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

Reducing the number of pedestrians killed in car accidents every year is key to reducing the number of auto accident wrongful deaths recorded across the country. Simple design interventions can help accomplish this goal.

According to a report titled Dangerous By Design by Smart Growth America, basic design interventions that may be simple to execute are often all that are required to reduce the number of auto accident fatalities involving pedestrians every year. Pedestrian crash deaths have been driving the increase in car and auto accident deaths across the country, and the expert consensus is that unless these deaths are minimized, there will be very little progress made in keeping our roads safer.

The U.S. does not boast the type of pedestrian –  friendly infrastructure that is the hallmark of  roads in Europe, but small steps can minimize the risk to pedestrians even on our roads.  The report Dangerous By Design finds that simple design interventions can reduce auto accident risks. For example, brighter lighting and illumination at key pedestrian -heavy areas can make a huge difference for pedestrians. A brightly-lit street means pedestrians can be seen clearly and avoided by motorists. Similarly, shorter crossing distances for pedestrians can also help. Multi-lane roads provide minimal opportunities for pedestrians to cross safely. Better designed medians and brighter markings at curbs can also help reduce the risk to pedestrians.  Even simple steps like more striped crosswalks and stop signs will alert motorists to pedestrian activity in the area. The use of pedestrian refuge islands and curb extensions  are also strategies that can  help minimize the risk of pedestrian accidents.

Design interventions can include not just improved visibility, but also lower vehicle speeds and shorter crossing distances for pedestrians.  Wherever  speeds for motorists are allowed to be high, the risk to pedestrians remains equally high. Streets that are designed for high speeds pose a threat to people who are walking. Unfortunately, streets like these are hallmarks of the driving experience across much of the United States, and these areas are where pedestrians are killed more often in accidents involving automobiles. Additionally, people in socially disadvantaged communities, people of color and older persons seem to be much more likely to sustain fatal personal injuries in pedestrian accidents. These communities will  benefit from design interventions that can help protect  pedestrians and prevent accidents.

The  Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You may qualify for damages that include medical costs, lost income, pain and suffering and other forms of compensation.  Talk to an attorney at our firm   and discuss your case.   Initial consultations are free.

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