
Safety Concerns over Electric Cars and Guardrails

Most American guardrails simply are not tested for the extra weight of electric cars.  This may pose a safety risk when there is a car accident involving a electric vehicles crashing into a guardrail.

According to CBS News, these safety concerns are valid because the strength of guardrails on American roads are typically tested against vehicles that  weigh approximately 5000 pounds.  However,  the average electric vehicle weighs approximately 30% more.  This deficiency in testing standards is possibly posing a risk of serious personal injury to drivers and passengers in electric cars.

Recently, a fatal car accident involved a Tesla that crashed through a guardrail.   The resulting car accident left the motorist dead and the car completely mangled. According to safety experts, these guardrails are not doing a good enough job of restraining electric vehicles compared to gasoline – powered vehicles.   The guardrails are tested against gasoline -powered vehicles, and unfortunately, electric – powered vehicles that are involved in collisions against guardrails simply crash through or even crash under the guardrail.  Tests involving concrete medians that were slammed into by electric power vehicles found that even in those cases where the car did not crash through the median and end up in the opposing lane,  large chunks of concrete did go flying through the air and into the path of oncoming cars.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2023, more than 19,000 people were killed in car accidents caused when their car left the road. Many lives can be saved when there are sturdy and strong guardrails blocking cars from going off the road.  However, with a large number of electric vehicles now using our roads, the risk to motorists in electric cars from such auto accidents is very real. Concerns have been raised from other quarters as well.  Experts with the National Transportation Safety Board believe that there is a serious safety concern with the large weights associated with electric vehicles.

It is not just guardrails that are impacted in a collision with an electric power vehicle.  Massive damage can occur when an electric –  powered vehicle crashes into a gasoline -powered car.  Collision with a heavier car can mean a higher risk of serious personal injuries in auto accidents.

The window of time for transportation agencies to act is closing fast. Experts predict that by the year 2032, approximately 50% of all cars sold in the United States will be electric vehicles.  Our infrastructure needs to keep up with the changing motoring landscape in the country.

The  Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages. You may qualify for compensation that includes medical costs, lost income and other forms of  damages.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial  consultations are free.


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