
Risk Factors for a Drowsy Driving Accident

Almost every motorist at some point or another driven while being too tired. This includes driving in a state in which they were frequently yawning, or nodding off to sleep while driving.
Drowsy driving is a silent killer on American roads, contributing to as many as one in six fatal accidents and thousands of injuries. However, there are no reliable ways to measure drowsiness, and motorists are very rarely likely to admit that they were indeed fatigued while driving. Therefore, the actual number of drowsy driving accidents is potentially much higher than estimated.

If you are driving, and notice yourself doing the following, it is time to pull over somewhere safe and take a break.

·Yawning incessantly while driving

·Inability to keep your head straight up, and find it difficult to focus

·Blinking frequently, and your eyelids feel heavy and drowsy

·Frequent daydreaming

·Thinking incoherent or disconnected thoughts

·Weaving out of roadway lane

·Tailgating the vehicle in front

·Inability to remember the last few miles driven

·Missed traffic signs or exits


All of these are signs that you have been driving for far too long without a break, and need some rest. When you identify these signs in you, pull over somewhere to take rest. However, make sure that you pull over somewhere safe, especially at night.

In most cases, a brief nap – even one that lasts for about half an hour – can help alleviate drowsiness. Caffeine, such as that found in Coca-Cola, can work as a short-term solution, but do not rely upon it to keep you alert and awake for extended periods of time.

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