
Richmond County Struggles with Increasing Bicycle Accident Numbers

Richmond County, Georgia is inching towards a distinction that it would rather not have – that of being one of the most bicycle-unfriendly regions in Georgia.Bicycle accident wrongful deaths here have been high this year, and Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers and bicyclists in the region are justifiably concerned.

Just last week, a bicyclist was killed in an accident in Richmond County.That death followed another bicycle accident in which the bicyclist suffered serious personal injuries.There were thirty-seven accidents involving bicyclists in Richmond County last year.Out of these, one ended in a death.In 2011, there have been thirty bicycle accidents, with more than four months to go to the end of the year.If things continue in the same vein, then Richmond County looks sets to beat the fatality toll in 2010.

Unfortunately, as with motorcycle accidents and pedestrian accidents, most bicycle accidents also occur as a result of motorist error or negligence.A bicycle has a narrow frame, and a person driving an automobile is likely to miss a person riding a bike unless he is being alert and vigilant.Unfortunately, as Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers notice, there are far too many motorists who don’t bother to stay alert and look out for bicyclists.

This is in spite of the fact that Atlanta is seeing an increase in the number of bicyclists.Bicyclist numbers have increased further in recent weeks because of the increase in gas prices.Additionally, there is now a nationwide focus on reducing obesity through activities like bicycling and walking.The result has been an increase in the number of people biking across Atlanta.

Many of these bicyclists are sharing the streets with motorists who are negligent, reckless or even worse, distracted.Many accidents occur because motorists fail to look out for bicyclists in their blind spots, or hidden areas in their field of vision.

Other accidents occur because motorists did not notice the bicyclist until it was too late to avoid an accident.In such cases, Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers often find that motorist distractions were a factor in the accident.There are more numbers of distracted drivers in the United States now than there have ever been in our country’s history.People distracted by smart phones or texting devices, or by any number of distracting activities, are less likely to see a bicyclist until it is too late.

Besides, Atlanta bicyclists face dangers from intoxicated motorists, and speeding drivers.A motorist driving under the influence of alcohol is less likely to spot a bicyclist in time.Speeding drivers may not be able to avoid a serious accident with a bicyclist.

In an accident involving a bicyclist and an automobile, it is the person on the bike who has a serious risk of being injured or dying in the accident, which is all the more reason why drivers need to be alert for bicyclists at all times.

The Atlanta bicycle accident attorneys at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers represent persons injured in bicycle accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across Georgia.

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