
Prevent Fireworks Injuries on the Fourth of July

Prevent Fireworks Injuries on the Fourth Of July

With just a few days to go to everyone’s favorite holiday of the calendar, it’s important to keep in mind that every year, approximately 9,000 people have to be rushed to emergency rooms with fireworks-related injuries on the Fourth of July.

Not all fireworks are allowed under Georgia law. Sparklers, party poppers and snakes are allowed, but shooting rockets and any other fireworks that explode in the air are not permitted. If you insist on having your own fireworks party, make sure that you have a sober and responsible adult in charge of the festivities. Keep the following safety tips in mind:

· Never mix drinking with lighting fireworks.

· Don’t allow children to light fireworks, not even sparklers. Children above the age of 16 may be given certain firecrackers to light, but only under adult supervision.

· Avoid dangerous stunts like placing fireworks inside metal containers.

· Light fireworks outside, but avoid lighting them on dry grass or around flammable materials.

· Buy fireworks from reliable dealers only.

· Before lighting a fire cracker, read all the instructions on the label carefully.

As Atlanta injury lawyers, we know the importance of safety not just while lighting firework’s, but also while handing and transporting them. The US DOT’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials safety Administration says it’s important to be careful with fireworks even when you’re traveling with them in your car. Don’t try lighting fireworks in your car. Use a cardboard box for storing fireworks, and keep this in the trunk of your car. If your vehicle does not have a trunk, keep your fireworks box in a dark area of the vehicle where there is no direct sunlight. Never smoke while loading or unloading the fireworks in your car.

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