I came across this interesting report by the Chicago Tribune which elaborated on how one bus manufacturer neglected to inform customers about its defective vehicles for 8 years, while the NHTSA failed to speed up this process. The bus manufacturer in question is New York-based Transportation Collaborative Inc (TCI). The…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Ford Inflatable Seatbelt Systems Promise to Reduce Risk of Injuries
Ford Inflatable Seatbelt Systems Promise to Reduce Risk of Injuries As Georgia car accident lawyers, we are constantly monitoring new auto safety technologies that promise to keep drivers and passengers safe in an accident. Ford Motor Company has now announced the development of new inflatable seatbelt systems that we believe…
Georgia Seeks to Lower Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle Education Initiative Aims to Lower Accident Statistics Across Georgia Last month, Georgia State Patrol and the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety launched a motorcycle safety education initiative, aimed at lowering the numbers of motorcycle crash statistics across the state. According to Georgia State Patrol, the safety education unit will…
Several Morehouse Students Injured in Bus Accident in Henry County
A group of Morehouse College band members were injured on Saturday morning when the bus that was carrying them to a football game in Albany, flipped over on I-75 south in Henry County. According to Fox News, there were 42 members of the Morehouse College marching band in the bus,…
Teenagers Injured in Roller Coaster Crash in Augusta
Teenagers Injured in Roller Coaster Crash in Augusta Three teenagers were injured seriously enough to require a visit to the hospital, after the roller coaster they were on crashed at the Georgia Carolina State Fair in Augusta over the weekend. The crash occurred on Saturday at around 9:30 pm. According…
Safety Experts Warn of Bridge Collapse
Safety Experts Warn of Bridge Collapse Risks Experts are unanimous – many of the country’s bridges are old, and in severe need of repairs.As Georgia personal injury lawyers, we are concerned about the fact that so many of our bridges are considered “structurally deficient “or “functionally obsolete.”. The warning about…
Trucking Hours Reviewed by Obama Administration
As Georgia truck accident lawyers, we have spoken out against the rule allowing a truck driver to drive for 11 consecutive hours. The rule was passed by the Bush Administration, which proposed it a total of 3 times during its tenure in the White House. It was blocked twice in…
Babies Injured by Incorrect Use of Car Seats
A new report presented by a pediatric orthopedist at a pediatric conference in Washington is warning that newer models of child safety car seats, that double as baby carriers, may place children at a high risk of injuries. The risk comes from using the car safety seats outside the car.…
Poorly Trained Truck Drivers Subject of Report
TV Report Focuses on Poorly Trained Truck Drivers Last week, respected journalist Dan Rather presented a report on the poor quality of truck drivers emerging from the several CDL mills around the country on his weekly HD Net program. The episode underscored what Georgia trucking accident lawyers have known for…
As Georgia car accident lawyers, we represent victims of automobile accidents, not just in the metro Atlanta area, but across the state. This includes rural areas in Georgia. That is why it‘s deeply concerning to us to see that rural Georgians continue to be at a higher risk of fatal…