
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Record Driving Rates Spur Fears of Spike in Car Accident Risks

Just over a month into 2024, and road transportation authorities are already reporting record driving volumes across the United States.  As historically seen, high rates of driving typically translate into a higher rate of car accidents. According to the Department of Transportation, in 2023, US drivers took to the roads…


Atlanta Council Members Considering a Ban on “Right on Red” Laws

If a group of Atlanta Council members has its way, motorists will no longer be able to make a right turn when they are at a red light.  The move is linked to concerns about the risk of car accidents involving pedestrians. The so- called Right on Red laws were…


Cell Phone Use Continues to Remain Top Factor in Distracted Driving Car Accidents

Driving while distracted is a complex phenomenon, and there are a varied number of distractions that can affect a motorist’s ability to drive safely and avoid car accidents.  However, cell phone use behind the wheel continues to remain the number one factor causing distracted driving accidents. That information comes from…


How Passengers can Prevent Distracted Driving Car Accidents

If you are driving in a car with a driver who is texting at the wheel, then your chances of being involved in an auto accident increase significantly.  However, there is much that you can do as a passenger to avoid car accidents caused by distracted driving. Most motorists are…


Feds Phase Out Witty Highway Safety Signs

The federal government is not amused by the witty highway safety messages that are posted on several highways across the country, including in Georgia, to prevent auto accidents.   The federal government has banned these humorous electronic safety messages across the country. The Federal Highway Administration, which is in charge of…


Unique Effects of Marijuana on Senior Car Accident Risks

Driving under the influence of marijuana can be dangerous in any age category, but the drug may have a unique impact on the car accident risks of senior drivers. According to the results of a new study, seniors who smoke marijuana and drive may have their auto accident risks impacted…


Migraines Increase Car Accident Risks for Older Drivers

Older drivers may be at a high risk of being involved in car accidents, and those risks are simply exacerbated if they also suffer from migraines. Migraines  are a common condition, especially among older people, but they may be dangerous for senior drivers.  According  to the results of a new…


Massive or Large Cars are a Major Car Accident Risk on Georgia Roads

While car accident wrongful death numbers in the rest of the developed world have been falling significantly, they have actually been on the rise in the United States.  Part of the reason for this, experts say, is the presence of massive or large automobiles on our roads. Tall SUVs are…


Most Light Vehicles Now Come with Crucial Auto Accident Prevention Technology

All manufacturers of light vehicles who signed a 2016 agreement  have fulfilled the commitment they made to equip their vehicles with crucial auto emergency braking systems to prevent car accidents. The 2016 agreement was brought about by the efforts of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute…


Studies Call for Improved Auto Accident Protection Systems for Trucks and Motorcycles

Auto accident prevention technologies like forward collision warning systems do a very good job of reducing the risk of auto accidents involving passenger vehicles, but may not be as effective in preventing motorcycle accidents and trucking accidents. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recently released the findings of two new…

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