A Georgia jury this week awarded a couple, damages of $317,000 in the first product liability lawsuit related to injuries from Yamaha Rhino All-Terrain Vehicles. Roger McTaggart was injured in 2007 when his ATV flipped over, trapping his leg. He suffered crushing injuries in the accident. McTaggart filed a lawsuit…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Bicycle Accidents — Safety Programs Reviewed
Not everyone who begins biking takes part in a bicycle safety training program. It also doesn’t help that there are no valuable resources for novice or beginner bicyclists in Georgia. That’s why it’s good to see an online bicycle safety training program developed by a group of University of Georgia…
Distracted Driver Survey Shows Range of Distractions
There’s not much comfort to be had from the realization that people in other countries seem to be just as distracted behind the wheel as Americans are. The results of a survey released last week show that, across the world, motorists take the task of driving far too casually, and…
DeKalb and Emory to Partner in Care for Abused Elderly
DeKalb County, Emory Healthcare Partner to Care for Abused Elderly It is one of the first such initiatives anywhere in the country, and as Atlanta elder abuse lawyers, we are extremely proud that DeKalb County will be home to an exclusive elder abuse shelter and treatment center. DeKalb County prosecutors…
Single Focal Lenses Could Minimize Slip and Fall Accidents in the Elderly
Single Focal Lenses Could Minimize Slip and Fall Accident Risks in Elderly Persons Wearing eyeglasses with multifocal lenses can actually increase an elderly person’s risk of suffering a fall accident when he or she is outdoors. Therefore, senior citizens, who spend a lot of time outdoors, may be better served…
Deadly Memorial Day Weekend in Georgia; 14 dead in Accidents
Fourteen people have been killed in accidents across Georgia over the Memorial Day weekend, including fatal accidents in Cherokee County and Fulton County. Reports coming before the Memorial Day weekend came to a close to Monday night, had more than 700 people injured in automobile accidents since the holiday began…
Child Injured in Atlanta Power Window Accident Recovers
A 21-month-old toddler, who sustained serious injuries when she was caught in a car power window, is recovering from injuries. The accident occurred last Friday when the child was alone in the family car with her three-year-old brother. The child’s neck became trapped in the power window when it suddenly…
New Pool Safety Guidelines Call for Swimming Lesson for Children Below Age 4
New Pool Safety Guidelines Call for Swimming Lessons for Children Below 4 The general wisdom, thus far, has held that children may only begin swimming lessons after they complete the age of 4. Pediatrician groups have traditionally believed that children below 4 years of age, may not be developmentally ready…
Rear End Truck Accidents Reviewed by Federal Agency
Rear-ender accidents involving passenger vehicles hitting large commercial trucks, are far more common than we think. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are approximately 23,500 such truck accidents every year in the country, and these kill approximately 160 people. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is working…
New System to Protect Fraud on Commercial Drivers Licences
New FMCSA System Promises to Eradicate CDL Fraud In 2002, an inspector general’s report informed the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration of widespread Commercial Driver’s License fraud in the industry. Drivers who obtained fraudulent CDL’s were linked to a large number of accidents that resulted in fatalities and serious injuries.…