
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Difference in Perception May Increase Accident Risks among Elderly Drivers in Atlanta

Elderly drivers in Atlanta may be plagued by a variety of health issues, like failing vision that can increase their risk of an auto accident. However, new research suggests that vision problems among the elderly may be much more complicated than simply failing eyesight. The study seems to suggest that…


Future Atlanta Cars May Come Equipped with Sensors to Prevent DUI Accidents

This could be the future of ignition interlock devices in Atlanta.Soon, Atlanta drunk driving accident lawyers may come across cars equipped with breath and touch sensors that automatically detect the blood-alcohol level on a motorist, and prevent the car from starting if his blood alcohol level is at or above…


Cobb County Bus Driver Charged after Pedestrian Accident

The driver of a Cobb CountyTransit bus, which was involved in a serious pedestrian accident last week that left a pedestrian with an amputated leg, has now been charged. Atlanta police have charged the driver, Jean Lewis with failure to yield to a pedestrian on a crosswalk and failure to…


Georgia Ranks above National Average for Auto Accident Wrongful Deaths

The state of Georgia ranks at number 32 in a USA Today compilation of states based on auto accident death rate per 100,000 population. In 2009, 1,284 people died in car accidents in Georgia, and the state had a death rate per 100,000 population of 13.1. That is much above…


Slight Decrease in Pedestrian Accident Deaths in Atlanta and throughout Georgia

There was a slight drop in the number of pedestrians deaths in auto accidents in Georgia in the first half of 2010. Last year, we had 77 pedestrian deaths in the first six months in auto accidents, compared to 78 pedestrian deaths in 2009. That is a very tiny decrease,…


Study Underscores Need for Side Impact Protection During Atlanta Accidents

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has been issuing its much anticipated ratings for auto accident and injury protection for years now.A new analysis by the Insurance Institute shows that drivers of vehicles driving a car with a high rating by the Institute had an enhanced chance of surviving a…


Employers Move to Minimize Risk of Distracted Driver Auto Accidents

As Atlanta car accident attorneys, we believe minimizing texting or talking on the cell phone while driving requires cooperation not just from individual motorists, but also from society at large. To avoid as many car accidents as possible, employers have a big role to play in ensuring that their employees…


Low Seatbelt Use Leads to Increase In Auto Accident Police Fatalities

In many of the serious auto accidents that Atlanta car accident lawyers come across, seatbelt use was the only thing preventing devastating injuries or death. However, there is one category of drivers that is most aware of the importance of wearing seatbelts to avoid accidents, but neglect to wear seatbelts…


Automakers Face New Rollover Auto Accident Rule

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been focusing extra hard on rollover safety recently. A new rule that the agency announced this week is also aimed at preventing serious and devastating injuries in rollover auto accidents. The agency this week announced new regulations that would require passenger vehicles to…

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