It’s one of the biggest pieces of advice that Atlanta bicycle accident attorneys would give to any bicyclist – always wear a helmet while riding.Lack of a bicycle helmet substantially increases a cyclist’s chance of a brain injury in a car accident. Unfortunately, we often see bicyclists on Atlanta streets…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Are Georgia Hospitals Safe?: A Lack of Vital Information may be Compromising the Safety of Georgia Hospitals
When we go to the hospital, we go to receive treatment and care, not to contract a possibly life threatening illness. However, the reality is that not only can a hospital be a place of healing, but it is also a hot bed for germs, illness, and infections. Because of…
Cobb County Police Looking for Motorcyclist in Fatal Car Accident
Police in Cobb County are on the lookout for the driver of a Porsche involved in afatal motorcycle accident fatal motorcycle accident. The motorcyclist was riding a Kawasaki Vulcan motorcycle when he was struck by two vehicles on Interstate 75.According to police, a Porsche struck the motorcyclist, and then fled…
ESC Systems Have Reduced Fatal Accidents by 18%
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that electronic stability control systemselectronic stability control systems have reduced car accident wrongful deaths by as much as 18%.The agency studied the effectiveness of these systems that are now popular on so many automobiles, in preventing fatal auto accidents.The researchers studied fatal car…
Cobb County Uses School Bus Cameras to Catch Errant Drivers, Prevent Accidents
School buses in Cobb County now come with video cameras that can capture vital information on motorists who fail to halt when a school bus is at a stop.Atlanta bus accident lawyers believe that it is important to have such measures in order to reduce the risk of accidents, especially…
OSHA Cites Jackson Contractor in Fatal Trench Collapse: Workers’ Compensation Fails to Properly Compensate Family
A Jackson-based contractor has been citedby the Occupational Safety and Health and Administration for several safety violations that led to a trench collapse in Cumming early this year which resulted in the wrongful death of a worker. Unfortunately, under the workers’ compensation act, the workers’ family is extremely limited in…
Motorcycle Helmets Linked to Hearing Loss; Does this increase the number of motorcycle accidents?
Motorcyclists wearing helmets may be at risk of hearing loss, not from the loud noise of their motorcycle engine, but from the sound of the wind cutting through the helmet.A new study indicates the need for greater research to produce safer helmets that don’t have any health effects. If there…
Metro Atlanta Region One of the Most Dangerous for Pedestrians
A new report titled Dangerous by Designby Transportation for America has bad news for Atlanta pedestrians and accident lawyers here. The report places the Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta region at number eleven on the list of the deadliest cities for pedestrians in the United States. In addition to wrongful deaths, pedestrian accidents…
Mexico Trucking-Trade Agreement Poses Safety Concerns
A new agreement between the United States and Mexico would lift tariffs on US goods in Mexico, in return for allowing Mexican trucks to carry freight within the US.It’s a controversial agreement, and Atlanta truck accident lawyers are concerned about the trucking safety records of Mexican companies. Truck accidents often…
Pregnant Women’s Exposure to Power Lines Increases Asthma Risks in Children
Women who are exposed to power lines and other sources of magnetic fields are at a much higher risk of giving birth to children who develop asthma later.The results of a study which have just been published in the Archives Of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, are very disconcerting. Although personal…