
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Georgia Committee of Teen Drivers to Advise on Accident Prevention

The governor of Georgia has announced the establishment of a committee that would consist entirely of teenagers, for the purpose of advising state officials on ways to reduce car accidents in Atlanta and across the state. Gov. Nathan Deal has announced that the commission, called the Gov.’s Commission on Teen…


Depression, Anxiety Drugs Can Increase Potential for Car Accident

A recent study found that certain common prescription drugs used to treat conditions like depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders can actually increase the risk of car accidents. According to the study, which was published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, an individual’s risk of a car accident may…


Preventing Distracted Driving Accidents Through Example.

A new survey of teenage drivers indicates some disturbing findings, but not ones that our Atlanta car accident attorneys are unfamiliar with.The survey found that some teenage drivers are learning the most atrocious driving habits from their parents.Those habits include failure to wear seat belts, talking on cell phones while…


GHSA Takes Tough Positions on Distracted and Drugged Driving

The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) recently adopted expansions of its policies related to distracted driving and drugged driving.These are 2 factors that are cited in thousands of fatal and injury-causing car accidents that occur in the metro Atlanta region every year. We have continued to see an increase in…


Georgia DOT’s Plans to Raise Speed Limits Could Increase Accident Risks

A number of states around the country have experimented with an increase in speed limits on some of their freeways and highways.Earlier this month, Texas had the dubious distinction of becoming home to the road with the highest speed limit in the country, with one stretch now having a speed…


Series of Wrong Way Driving Accidents In and Around Atlanta

The month of August saw a disturbing series of accidents caused by motorists driving the wrong way on highways and freeways in and around the metro Atlanta region.These accidents ended with catastrophic injuries and multiple fatalities. The first accident that occurred earlier in the month involved a motorist who was…


Seatbelt Reminders for Back Seats Could Help Reduce Injuries, Fatalities

If a proposal by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to mandate seatbelt alerts for rear seat passengers is approved and goes into effect, it could mean a much lower risk of injuries to passengers in the back seat. Rear seat passengers have much lower rates of seatbelt usage…


Could Vitamin D Supplements Be the Secret to Preventing Fall Accidents?

Fall accidents are extremely serious, especially when they involve the elderly.It is estimated that between 30% and 40% of all seniors will suffer a fall accident at least once every year.Our Atlanta slip and fall attorneys agree with research that also shows that many of these persons will never recover…


Claims Software Allows Insurers to Lowball Accident Victims

A recent report by the Consumer Federation of America shows that some insurance companies are using claims software that allows them to manipulate payments, thereby paying consumers less than they deserve after an accident. The report found that popular injury evaluation software used by many insurance companies comes with provisions…


Research Indicates Motorcycle Helmets Reduce Risk of Facial Injuries

It is widely accepted that motorcycle helmets don’t just reduce your risk of dying in an accident, but also reduce the risk of serious or life threatening brain injuries.New research, however, now indicates that helmets may also have other benefits.They dramatically reduce the risk of suffering serious injuries to the…

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