
Georgia Injury Law Blog


60% of Teenage Driver Accidents Involve Distracted Driving

Distractions play a major part in accidents involving teenage drivers. However, the impact of distraction on teen safety may be much higher than earlier believed. According to a new report by AAA, about 60% of all teen driver car accidents involve distractions of some kind. The American Automobile Association says…


NHTSA Uses Naming and Shaming Tactics to Fight Texting While Driving

When it comes to preventing distracted driving, all of the onus is on motorists. While there are laws in place to punish distracted drivers, these are often difficult to enforce or incorporate mild punishments, and are therefore not as effective as needed. Far too many motorists are very comfortable with…


Emotional Driving Increases Accident Risk

Almost all motorists recognize the dangers associated with driving while distracted or drunk, but did you know that driving while emotionally distressed also significantly increases your risk of being in a motor vehicle collision? New studies confirm that persons driving while upset, sad or angry place themselves and other motorists…


Accidents Caused By Defective Seatbelts

Seatbelts are arguably the single most important automobile safety invention in history. However, when seatbelts are defective, there is a serious risk of injury to car occupants. Seatbelt use across the United States is at close to all-time highs. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2015,…


Calendar year 2015 did not provide great news for motorists in Georgia.

Calendar year 2015 did not provide great news for motorists in Georgia. Not only was there a spike in the total number of people killed in car accidents across the state last year, but there also appears to be a rise in the number of people killed in alcohol-related car…


The Most Dangerous Mistake Parents Make and How It Could Injure Their Children

Unfortunately, many parents continue to violate basic child safety rules, and move their children from booster seats to a seat belt much too early, increasing the risk that their child will be seriously injured in an accident. According to a new study which involved more than 1,000 parents who participated…


Black Friday Injuries and Deaths

We call it “Black Friday” because it’s traditionally the day when retailers move their accounting ledgers from red ink (deficits) to black ink (profits). Increasingly, though, America’s biggest shopping day is becoming “Black-and-Blue Friday,” as scores of innocent consumers find themselves seriously injured while out and about. Some have even…

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