Georgia’s laws clearly define eligibility criteria for a wrongful death claim. The laws also define the statute of limitations for filing a claim and allow for several different types of damages to be recovered. Under Georgia law, the spouse of the deceased has the first claim to damages. If the…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Pokémon Go a Serious Distraction for Motorists
Motorists trying to catch critters are at a serious risk of injuring themselves and others in accidents. According to an analysis of Twitter posts related to Pokémon Go, far too many people are playing the game as they are driving or walking. In fact, according to statistics, there have been…
The Underestimated Accident Risks of Road Debris
Thousands of accidents in the United States every year are linked not to drunk driving, or speeding, but to road debris. According to a new study, these accidents killed as many as 500 people between 2011 and 2014. The data were released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, and…
Motorcycle Accident Fatalities Increased by 10% in 2015
Alarming statistics indicate that the rate of motorcycle accident fatalities in the United States in 2015 actually increased by 10% over the previous year. The statistics were contained in a report released by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). According to the GHSA, the statistics are a very stark and…
Even Mild Brain Injury Can Mean Long-Term Health Consequences for Children
Children who suffer even a mild brain injury like a concussion can suffer long-term health consequences that may be evident for years after the injury. According to a new study that was conducted in Sweden, young people who have suffered even a mild brain injury are at risk for various…
Dram Shop Laws in Georgia: What You Should know
In addition to the at-fault driver, it is possible to hold other people or entities responsible for injuries caused in a drunk driving accident. Under Georgia’s dram shop laws, sellers and servers of alcohol can be sued for monetary compensation if they have acted negligently. Dram shop liability refers to…
Ignition Interlock Devices Reduce Traffic Accident Fatalities by 15%
Ignition interlock devices that prevent drivers who have alcohol in their systems from operating a motor vehicle can help reduce the rate of traffic accident fatalities by as much as 15%. Those are the results of a new study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. The study used crash…
Medical Errors Third Leading Cause of Death in United States
Medical errors rank third, just behind heart disease and cancer as a leading cause of death in the United States. Those findings come from a new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University. According to the study, patients who suffer injuries as the result of a medical error are much…
Children, Mail Carriers at High Risk for Dog Bites
With summer here we are reminded that some victims of dog bites seem to have it much harder than others. Children below the age of five, and postal workers are at a much higher risk of dog bites, especially during summer days. During summer, dogs are much more likely to…
Troubling Increase in Motorcycle Accident Fatalities
U.S. authorities are reporting a disturbing 10% increase in the number of people killed in motorcycle accidents across the country in 2015. Those statistics come from the Governors Highway Safety Association, which blames alcohol and drug use, higher speed limits, and an increase in the number of states repealing motorcycle…