
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Can I Recover Damages for PTSD After a Truck Accident?

The term “PTSD” or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is typically associated with veterans returning from combat duty. However, the vast majority of Americans who suffer from PTSD attribute the symptoms to non-combat causes.  In fact, statistics indicate that as many as a quarter of all Americans have experienced some degree…


5 Things To Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

A slip and fall accident on someone else’s property can result in serious injuries. If your fall occurred on another’s property, you may qualify to file a legal claim to recover compensation for your medical expenses and other costs. However, it’s important to take the right steps after a fall,…


What You Should Know Before Hopping on that E-scooter

E-scooters have taken the globe, nation and even Atlanta by storm.  Since the fall of 2017, this convenient form of transportation has popped everywhere there is a need for alternate forms of mobility.  But not everyone is aware of the safety risks of riding one, or how to best accommodate…


Failure to Use Seat Belts is Not a Bar to Recovery for Car Accident Injuries

In a recent criminal case in Georgia involving a hit-and-run accident, the court did not allow evidence that the car crash victim was not wearing a seat belt when he was ejected from his vehicle after impact and died.   The court stated that the victim’s failure to wear his seat…


Landlords are Responsible for More Than Just Slip and Fall Injuries

The North Georgia area is experiencing exponential growth in population.  And all these people moving to the area need a place to live.  In addition to the already existing number of apartments and rental properties, apartment buildings are being built all across the Atlanta area.    Many times people may feel…


NSC Predicts Close to 600 Traffic Accident Fatalities This Fourth of July

The Fourth of July falls on a Thursday this year, which means most people will make it a long holiday weekend from work.  The Fourth of July is not only one of the country’s most popular holiday weekends, but it’s also one of the most deadly. The holiday accounts for…


Audible Seatbelt Reminders Could Save 1500 Lives in Accidents Annually

We all know the campaign “Click It or Ticket” to encourage all people in passenger vehicles to wear their seatbelts. The good news is that, nationwide, seatbelt use is at commendable highs. In 2018, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, seat belt use across the country was as…

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