
Georgia Injury Law Blog


How to protect yourself when the at-fault driver doesn’t have car insurance.

One of the main purposes of car insurance is to help make you whole if you are injured in a car accident.  However, not all car owners have enough insurance coverage or any at all.  Unfortunately, it happens more often that it should – a person gets injured in a…


Spinal injury treatment breakthrough offers hope to victims.

Spinal cord injuries can be caused by a variety of accidents, including auto or truck crashes, as well as motorcycle, pedestrian and bicycle accidents.  A serious fall accident can also result in a spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries are a type of catastrophic injury and can be a life-altering…


DeKalb County Boosts Pedestrian Safety Efforts

There is no doubt that the metro-Atlanta area is growing by leaps and bounds.  With that growth comes increased traffic, congestion, and unfortunately motor vehicle accidents.   Some of these accidents can be deadly, especially when a pedestrian is involved. DeKalb County is the second most dangerous county for pedestrians in…


How Roundabouts Improve Traffic and Pedestrian Safety

Roundabouts, or traffic circles, are becoming more and more popular with city planners lately to improve traffic flow and overall road safety.  In fact, you’ve probably run into one while driving in a residential area or around the local roads in your community. Roundabouts have been around for decades, but…


Georgia City to Pass Law for Stronger Accident Protections for Bicyclists

Georgia has seen an increase in bicyclist on the roads in the past several years.  While the state laws have a few protections in place for bicyclists, the city of Dunwoody is going one step further and proposing a new law that have even tougher penalties for dangerous drivers, and…


Amazon Tries to Get Around the Law and Their Delivery Drivers’ Accidents

We have all seen the army of Amazon delivery drivers throughout metro Atlanta and the state of Georgia.  They can be in box trucks, delivery vans or even passenger vehicles.  With the sheer number of deliveries being made by Amazon every day, one may wonder how many vehicle accidents involving…

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