Whiplash injuries are some of the more common injuries suffered by people who have been in a car accident. Whiplash injuries are often seen in fender-bender accidents when a car has been rear-ended by another vehicle. Surprisingly, as many as a million people suffer whiplash injuries every year in such…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Driving in Wet Weather: Risks and Liabilities
This time of year in the metro-Atlanta region is usually wet and rainy. This kind of weather not only puts a damper on holiday activities, but can also make engaging in any other activity more difficult than normal. For instance, driving in wet weather is always more dangerous. The roads…
Filing Slip and Fall Claims Involving Seniors
As we age, we become more vulnerable to injuries, especially after an accident. Senior citizens have a higher risk of suffering falls due to a variety of reasons. Many of the reasons are caused by deteriorating health conditions, which in turn can result in serious injury after a fall accident.…
Depressed Doctors at Higher Risk of Medical Errors
Depression affects millions of people in the U.S. Depression can sometimes be caused by life events such as job burn-out. When a doctor suffers from burnout-related depression, a patient’s safety may be compromised. According to the results of a new study, doctors who are depressed may be at a higher…
Distracted Walking is Common Cause of Brain Injuries Pedestrian Accidents
We all know distracted driving is dangerous and can cause deadly accidents, but distracted walking can be just as dangerous to both pedestrians and motorists alike. Distracted walking includes activities such as texting or emailing while walking, using social media apps while walking, listening to music and even playing a…
Spinal Cord Injuries in Slip and Fall Accidents: Frail Victims Have Higher Risk of Complications
Spinal cord injuries can be devastating and have life long implications. A traumatic spinal cord injury is difficult to recover from for most all individuals. However, frail victims of spinal cord injuries may have a much higher risk of adverse effects and complications than healthy individuals. These complications can include…
NHTSA Data: Overall Crash Fatalities Down; Pedestrian, Bicycle Deaths Up
New data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveals both good and bad news for drivers and pedestrians. The good news is that the agency recorded an overall drop in traffic accident fatalities across the United States in 2018. The bad news is that while there was a…
Women More Likely to be injured in Accidents; Yet Safety Testing Focuses on Men
It may be surprising to learn that women are as much as 73 percent more likely to suffer serious injuries in a car accident compared to men. Yet, the country’s federal safety regulatory authorities continue to ignore the need for testing standards that focus on the unique physiological differences between…
Tips for Safe Trick or Treating This Halloween
Children of all ages love Halloween. Between the costumes, the parties, and let’s not forget the candy, what’s not to like about Halloween if you are a kid. But did you know that Halloween is actually the deadliest day of the year for children? Children are twice as likely to…
Records of Truckers’ Drug History Will Be Available to Employers in 2020
Far too many truck accidents are caused every year by drivers under the influence of drugs, especially those like methamphetamines which are specifically taken to help drivers stay awake for long periods of time. When the effects of these drugs wear off, the driver may feel extremely fatigued and may…