
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Drivers Prone to Misusing Accident Safeguards in Cars with Partial Automation

Motorists driving cars with partial automation soon learn to adapt to the various safeguards that are present in these systems, possibly increasing their car accident risks. According to a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, drivers are very quick to learn ways to circumvent the limits or…


Why You Should Care About Pedestrian Safety

At some point, in our day, we are all pedestrians.  Negligence by pedestrians places them at risk of being involved in an auto accident, not just when a the person is walking on the road, but also when he or she is exiting their car,  jogging,  leaving an office building…


Child Passengers: Car Seats Can Protect Against Car Accident Personal Injuries

Children are some of the most vulnerable victims of car accidents. Georgia transportation safety agencies recently commemorated National Child Passenger Safety Week which this year fell between September 15 and 21. The  Georgia Governors Office of Highway Safety and the Department of Public Health were out in full force during…


How a Spinal Cord Injury Can Impact your Car Accident Claim

Veterans groups and spinal cord injury organizations are marking the month of September as Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month to bring more attention and awareness to the challenges faced by the thousands of Americans who live with these debilitating personal injuries. Spinal cord personal injuries occur when there is any…


Decline in Auto Accident Wrongful Deaths During First Half of 2024

Preliminary statistics by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration  show a drop in the number of people killed nationwide in auto accidents during the first 6 months of 2024.  This is the 9th consecutive quarterly drop in car accident fatality numbers. It is important to better understand why this drop…


Lack of Insurance and Recovery after Spinal Cord Personal Injuries

Uninsured or under-insured patients, who have suffered spinal cord injuries due to auto accident or other traumatic events, may be much more likely to be taken off life support. A  recent study measured the impact of insurance coverage on the survival and recovery of persons after a spinal cord injury.…


New Bill Would Require SUVs, Trucks to Protect Pedestrians

A  new bill that is expected to be introduced soon would require federal standards for the heights of SUVs and pick-up trucks to also consider pedestrian safety. This is an extremely important change which is likely to save lives in auto accidents involving pedestrians and bicycles. According to Representative Mary…


Alcohol Could Increase Risks of Brain Bleed after Slip and Fall Accident

Senior citizens who drink alcohol have a much higher risk of experiencing brain bleeds after suffering a slip and fall. Increasing awareness among Senior Citizens is the key to preventing these slip and falls which often cause serious personal injuries. According to a new study, even seniors who drink moderately…


Minority Groups Disproportionately Affected by Increase in Car Accidents

Minority groups, including blacks and Hispanic Americans, seem to have been disproportionately affected by the increase in fatal car accidents recorded across the country during the pandemic. According to new studies, black and Hispanic Americans as well as people with lower educational attainment were the most likely to suffer an…


Study Finds Behavior Interventions can Help Reduce Distracted Driving

The use of interventions including financial incentives, goals and social competition can significantly help reduce the incidence of distracted driving on our streets. Distracted driving causes thousands of car accidents in the metro Atlanta region every year.   A new study proves that different interventions could be used to help bring…

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