
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Drop in Bicycle Head Injuries in Kids, But Adults Still at Risk

The month of May marked the beginning of national bicycle safety month.  Thanks to a greater focus on helmet usage and other factors, there has been a significant reduction in the number of American children suffering serious head injuries in bicycle accidents.  However, adults continue to be at risk of…


GOHS Marks Bicycle Safety Awareness Month in Georgia

The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety kickstarted its nationwide bicycle safety awareness program by making a number of stops across the state of Georgia. Several cities played host to the new public awareness campaign that is focusing especially on bicycle safety in the month of May. The Georgia Governor’s Office…


Most Parents Fail to Use Car Safety Seats in Uber

Ride-sharing services have grown exponentially in popularity.  However, many passengers who ride in these vehicles often neglect to practice safe riding practices.  This also goes for parents riding with their children in ride-sharing vehicles. Car safety seats are the single most important means of protection against serious injury or even…


How Georgia can Reduce Risk of Wrong Way Driving Accidents

According to a new report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, the number of wrong-way driving accidents in the U.S. increased by almost 35% in recent years.  Most wrong way driving accidents are the result of drunk driving, but they can also be caused by mistakes by older drivers…

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