The federal administration is signifying its intention to monitor even more closely the evolution of the car automation sector. One sign is that it will require companies manufacturing so-called “driverless cars” to submit information about crashes involving these vehicles in the future. Although driverless cars have not become a regular…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Top Five Summer Accident Risks
Summer is peak travel season in Atlanta, and also, unfortunately, one of the more accident – prone times of the year. Did you know that your accident risk spikes significantly over the next few weeks because of the following five factors? Speeding is a major cause of accidents during summer.…
Metro Atlanta Goes Back to Work: How to Avoid Car Accidents
Across the metro Atlanta region, many employees have been heading back to work after a year of working from home. Even more are expected to return to work after Labor Day weekend. Many employees, however, are also still continuing to work from home, and this has led to interesting fluctuations…
Proposals to Lower Truck Driver Age Could Lead to Accidents
The trucking industry and other related parties are promoting a bill that would reduce the minimum age for commercial truck drivers to operate in the United States. There are risks that a proposal like this, if rushed into, could possibly increase the risk of accidents involving tractor- trailers and semi…
Study Confirms Role of Ride Share Apps and Reducing DUI Accident Rates
Yet another study confirms the significant role that ride sharing apps like Uber can play in helping reduce injuries from drunk driving accidents in areas like the metro Atlanta region. The study finds that these apps help lower injury risks, and that the drop is even more significant in the…
Georgia Recorded 14% Increase in Pedestrian Accident Deaths in 2020
New state-specific data about pedestrian accident fatalities in 2020 has been released, and it shows that there was a significant increase in accident deaths recorded last year in Georgia. The Governor’s Highway Safety Association recently released a new report titled Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State, which tabulates the projected number…
Safety Groups Fund Project to Prevent Speeding Accidents
Concerned at the increase in the number of auto accidents caused by speeding motorists, a coalition of safety groups has launched two new pilot projects in two separate states aimed at designing strategies to prevent these devastating crashes. The coalition consisting of the Governors Highway Safety Association, the National Safety…
Crashes Involving Disabled Vehicles Injure Thousands
Thousands of injuries every year occur in accidents caused when motorists crash into disabled vehicles that have been parked onto the side of the road and are not visible to motorists. According to a new report published by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, these accidents result in hundreds of…
Increase in Deliveries, Canine Aggression Led to Rise in Dog Bites Last Year
In 2020, when the majority of people were staying at home, there was a record increase in dog adoptions and online shopping. Normally, these two event would seem unrelated, however a significant increase in the number of mail deliveries across the country last year led to a significant increase in…
Parents Face Challenges in Finding Safer Cars for Teens
Summertime is usually a busy season for teen drivers as many prepare to get their driver’s license during the school break. A new driver in the family can also mean that a new car is needed. However, as new car production has dropped over the past year and the prices…