
Georgia Injury Law Blog


Majority of Georgia Nursing Homes Uninspected for 16 months

An overwhelming majority of Georgia nursing homes have not been inspected since 2020. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, the state currently ranks at the bottom of the heap when it comes to conducting inspection surveys of nursing facilities.…


Long Term Outcomes for Brain Injury May Be Better than Earlier Believed

A brain injury is one of the most devastating injuries a person can sustain.  Findings from new research could have an impact on doctors’ recommendations for life support for patients with TBI.  This means that persons with a serious brain injury may have much better long-term outcomes than previously expected.…


Lawmakers Address Impaired Driving in Infrastructure Bill

The massive $1 trillion infrastructure bill that is set to pass has good news for American motorists and traffic safety advocates.  It contains language that could signify the administration’s intention to reduce the accident risks caused by impaired drivers. Driver detection technologies that currently exist as part of driverless cars…


Older Drivers and Car Accident Risks: Myths and Facts

In some states, the population of older drivers is projected to reach as much as 20% over the next decade. But does a population comprised significantly of drivers automatically mean higher accident numbers? There are many myths and misconceptions about senior drivers.  Here we debunk just a few of them.…


Fatal Elevator Accidents Prompt Regulator Concern

This summer brought the return of the vacationers in U.S. after a year of being unable to travel, and with it a return to the use of rental vacation properties.  U.S. federal regulators are calling on vacation rental websites like Airbnb to review and strengthen their policies to protect customers…


Back to School Safety Tips For Atlanta Motorists

With many school districts across Georgia, including in the metro Atlanta region, beginning in-person learning over the next few weeks, it is important for schools, students and parents to keep essential safety tips in mind. Most school districts across Georgia have announced that they will begin in-person learning soon, and…


Past Driver Behavior is a Major Accident Indicator

Drivers who have a history of rash or negligent driving practices are very likely to continue indulging in these practices in the future, increasing their risks of an accident. According to researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, past driver behavior is a very good indicator of future accident risk.…


Georgia Among States with Lowest Rates of Distracted Driving Accidents

There is good news for Atlanta motorists – Georgia is ranked as one of the states with the lowest rates of accidents caused by distracted drivers. According to a recent report released by Zutobi, rates of distracted driving across the country have increased significantly in recent years. Some states have…

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