With children back at school, the federal administration is turning its attention to the critically important subject of school bus safety, starting off with a media campaign to specifically warn drivers about the most common mistakes that many of them make when encountering a stopped school bus. Unfortunately, these mistakes…
Georgia Injury Law Blog
Complacent Motorists Driving Autonomous Cars may be at Risk of Car Accidents
In spite of the fact that so -called “autonomous” cars have been involved in several auto accidents, including fatal crashes, over the past few years, motorists driving these automobiles tend to be complacent and engage in distracting tasks at the wheel. Many cars with self-driving automation, including Tesla, have recently…
Judge Approves Bond for Motorist in Fatal Atlanta DUI Accident
A judge in Fulton County has set a bond for a motorist who police allege, caused a drunk driving accident on I- 20 early in the month. The impact of the crash caused one of the passengers in the car the motorist hit, a 21-year-old woman to be ejected from…
Highway Safety Group Gives Georgia Good Ranking
Auto safety group Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety has released its annual report on performance and highway safety measures. This year, Georgia has been ranked well, notching up a Green ranking, the highest on the list, a finding that is encouraging to the Atlanta car accident attorneys at our…
Seat Belt Reminders Work, but only When Audible Signal is Long Lasting
Laws requiring drivers and passengers to wear seat belts have been around for decades. This is beYour car’s seat belts are the front line defense in protecting you from injury if you are a victim of a car accident. Seat belt reminders that emit an audible alert when a driver…
Report Finds Widespread Drugged – Drunk Driving
A new study finds that a significantly high number of people who consume alcohol and drugs go ahead and operate a motor vehicle after doing the same, raising their risks of being involved in an auto accident. According to the study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, as many…
Georgia Recorded 45% Increase in Pedestrian Car Accident Deaths Since 2019
Georgia recorded a staggering 45% increase in pedestrian wrongful deaths in car accidents between 2019 and 2021. The state is one of the worst performing ones when it comes to controlling these fatality numbers. Latest data by the Governors Highway Safety Association shows a dramatic increase in the number of …
Georgia’s High Speed Limits Likely A Factor in Rural Auto Accidents
Motorists in rural areas in states like Georgia that have higher speed limits in these communities are likely to be at a much higher risk of car accidents compared to motorists in those states where the speed limits in rural communities are lower. However, speed is not the only factor…
Report Predicts Motor Vehicles will Remain Main Source of Auto Accidents in Future Rather than bicycles and pedestrians
A new report commissioned by the National Safety Council has a number of auto safety predictions for the next couple of decades, including the prediction that even with new technology, cars and trucks will continue to remain the biggest source of auto accidents for the foreseeable future. In 2021, the…
Broader, Strongly Worded Anti-distracted Driving Laws Can Help Prevent Auto Accidents
While many states like Georgia have enacted laws targeting the prevention of car accidents caused by distracted driving, some states have found more success in the use of these laws than others. A new study finds that the secret to the success of these laws lies in their nature as…