
Naps can Improve Motor Learning after Brain Injury

New studies find that persons who have suffered traumatic brain injury and are undergoing rehabilitative motor skills therapy, may benefit from short naps after their therapy sessions. Traumatic brain injuries often occur from car accidents, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents, slip and falls as well as due to construction site accidents.

The results of the study were published recently in the Journal of Sleep Research.  The  researchers focused on the role of short naps during rehabilitation therapy for persons who have suffered traumatic brain injury.  Many  persons with brain injury struggle with motor tasks after their personal injuries.

The study involved the participation of 32 subjects with a brain injury. The participants were required to take short naps of about 45 minutes duration after their therapy sessions.  Their performance was monitored using a number of parameters including MRI imaging. The researchers found that there was enhanced performance after the participants napped, with improvements including quicker retrieval of learned sequences.

The researchers speculate that this could be because sleep can automate learning sequences, making retrieval of what has been learned smoother and more successful.  Overall,  participants who enjoyed a 45 – minute nap after their therapy performed   better on retrieval of learned motor skills, compared to those who stayed awake after the therapy.  The  researchers have been   encouraged enough by the results of the study to  suggest integrating napping techniques into rehabilitation therapy programs for persons  struggling with learning motor skills after a brain injury.

Brain injuries are some of the most catastrophic injuries that can occur in   auto accidents.  These injuries  are often seen in car accidents, but can also occur in pedestrian and motorcycle accidents in which there is lower protection for  the skull.  Brain  injuries can lead to a number of consequences which can be long term.  The victim  can struggle with basic motor skills like lifting and holding objects, and that can impact his ability to feed and dress himself and perform other routine tasks.  Rehabilitation  and therapy to relearn lost motor skills can take months, and even years.  There  may be a significant impact on the person’s cognitive abilities and his ability to understand concepts.  Memory and concentration may suffer.

These  are just some of the serious consequences of a traumatic brain injury,  and can prevent the victim’s  return to a normal, productive and employable   life after the  injury.   Any  claim filed after a brain injury, therefore,  must take into account not just short – term medical expenses, but also the long-term expenses associated with the injury.

The Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz  Personal Injury Lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or a loved one have suffered injuries  in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm, and discuss your legal options for a claim for damages.  You may qualify for damages that include  medical costs, lost income and other forms of damages. Talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial consultations are free.




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