
Multi Vehicle Auto Accident in Atlanta Kills One, Injures Five

Multi Vehicle Auto Accident in Atlanta Kills One, Injures Five

A multi vehicle accident on Holcomb Bridge Road has left one man dead and five people, including a mother and four children, injured. The accident occurred on Thursday morning.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, a pickup truck crossed a centerline, and struck a mini van and another car. The woman driving the minivan suffered serious injuries.The children in the van, aged between 10 months and 7 months, also suffered injuries although these were not serious. It’s not confirmed if the woman was the mother of the four children.

The pickup truck driver was killed in the accident. Toxicology tests have been conducted on the pickup truck driver, to investigate why the driver veered off his lane and into an oncoming lane.

We will have to wait for the results of the investigation to find out why the pickup truck driver crossed into oncoming traffic. Intoxicated driving could be one of the factors, and this will be determined when the results of the toxicology tests come out, which won’t be for a couple of days. The driver’s medical condition could also be worth investigating. As Atlanta personal injury lawyers, we sometimes come across accident cases, where a motorist had a heart attack or went into diabetic shock while driving. Drivers who suffer from sleep disorders may find themselves dosing off while driving, leading to loss of control over the vehicle.

Distracted driving can also be a factor when a motorist makes driving errors. In fact, a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute showed that drivers who were text messaging while driving have a risk of an accident that’s 23 times higher than those who are not. That’s because texting requires a motorist’s eyes to be off the road and hands off the steering wheel, and this greatly increases the risk of a crash.

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