
Motorcyclist Killed in Accident in Cherokee County

A fatal motorcycle accident has been reported recently in Georgia. This time, it was a 61-year-old man from Woodstock who was traveling on his motorcycle when he crashed into a Toyota Tundra. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the man’s family and friends.
According to reports of the accident, the man was heading eastbound on Cumming Highway when the Tundra pulled out onto the roadway. Consequently, the motorcycle hit the left side of the vehicle.The motorcycle driver was rushed to the hospital, but was pronounced dead.

There was also a 55-year-old female passenger on a bike, who was thrown several feet away upon impact. She was also rushed to the hospital, and is being treated for injuries.

Investigations into the accident have continuing, and the Georgia State Patrol’s Specialized Collision Reconstruction team has begun its follow-up investigation. Charges were not initially filed against any driver.

Investigations must be completed before a definitive cause of the accident can be determined here.However, very often, motorcycle accidents are the result of motorists’ failure to look out for motorcyclists.Accidents occur because motorists pull out of driveways or parking lots, and fail to see on oncoming bike.Motorcyclists may be easy to miss because of their slim frame, and it isn’t always possible for a motorcyclist to come to a complete stop or make an evasive maneuver when a car suddenly emerges on the road in front of him.

The number of motorcyclists on Georgia highways has exploded over the past decade.Recreational motorcycling has really taken over the state of Georgia, and there are many more registered motorcyclists in the state now than there were 10 years ago.

Our Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyers recommend that bikers take some additional steps to increase their visibility, such as wearing highly visible clothing like florescent-colored vests and neon-colored helmets.When riding at night, stick reflective tape on your clothes or helmet, as well as your motorcycle to increase visibility.Also, be particularly cognizant of roads that run adjacent to parking lots, and keep your speed at a rate where a quick stop can be made.

Always wear a helmet, even if you’re riding at night and don’t expect much traffic around you.A motorcycle helmet may be the only thing that could prevent serious or fatal brain injuries in an accident. Wearing a helmet often reduces medical expenses and recovery time after a serious motorcycle accident.

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