
More Effort Needed to Reduce Georgia Bicycle Accidents and Fatalities

Bicyclists in the metro Atlanta region continue to remain at high risk for injuries and fatalities.New data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicates that there were 14 “pedalcyclist” accident fatalities reported in Georgia in the year 2011.The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration puts bicycles, unicycles, and other non-motorized vehicles in a single group called “pedalcycles.”
Those figures account for approximately 1.1% of the 1,223 traffic accident fatalities reported in 2011.Overall, Georgia had a bicyclist fatality rate of approximately 1.43 fatalities for every 1 million population.

Statistics were not much better across the rest of the country.In fact, there was actually an increase of 9% in the national bicycle accident fatality total for 2011.Overall, there were 677 pedalcyclist fatalities in the United States in 2011.These accidents also contributed to more than 48,000 injuries.

The majority of pedalcyclists killed in fatal accidents in 2011 were males, accounting for 85% of the fatality toll.About 70% of the pedalcyclists who were injured were also male. Males between the age of 45 and 54 seemed to be at the highest risk of dying in a bicycle accident.Approximately 130 bicyclist fatalities in 2011 were from this age group.

In fact, the pedalcyclist fatality rate in 2011 was as much as 6 times higher in the case of males, as females.In the case of injuries, the rate was almost 4 times higher for males.That could possibly be because there are more male bicyclists on the road than female bicyclists.However, it is also a fact that male bicyclists may be more likely to ride at night, which is a riskier practice.

The highest number of bicycle accident fatalities, 30%, occurred between 4 and 8 p.m., while the 2nd highest number of bicycle accident fatalities, 21%, occurred between 8 p.m. and midnight.

The data provide conclusive proof to Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers that federal, state and local agencies need to increase efforts to keep bicyclists safer.Many of these accidents occur because motorists fail to respect the rights of bicyclists, and fail to look out for bicyclists, especially at intersections and other areas which are bicycle accident magnets.When you’re driving, look out for bicyclists, especially those who may be riding right behind your car.Look out for bicyclists at intersections, signs and signals, and especially while making turns.

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