
May is Bike Safety Month

Education and exposure to bicyclists and safety programs makes for a safer environment for both bikers and motorists. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is promoting the month of May as Bike Safety Month. The League of American Bicyclists is the official sponsor of this campaign, which will run through this month.

Any program that aims to spread the message of safe bicycling and increases awareness among motorists and bicyclists alike, will have the support of Atlanta bicycle accident lawyers. There is a series of events and programs lined up across the month, in the city of Atlanta. Here’s a look at just some of the events lined up for longtime bikers, as well as new bicyclists.

There will be a bike advocacy team meeting on May 10. This will be followed by a bike rally and bike rodeo on May 15. On May 19, bicyclists across the city will take part in the Ride of Silence to commemorate those bicyclists killed in accidents. On May 21 is the high point of the program, Bike to Work Day. On that day, teams of professional bicyclists will ride to work to demonstrate the conveniences and joys of a bike commute. Finally on the 26th, there is a special workshop on Bike Maintenance for Dummies. The program will cover basics, like how to fix a flat tire and identifying bike parts.

So if you’ve considering abandoning your car and biking for the low-cost, green fun of it, this is the time. You’re not likely to find a more encouraging time to take bicycling, with so many experienced and professional bicyclists only to eager to help out. Check out the calendar at Atlanta Bicycle Coalition for a listing of all events in the metro Atlanta area. If you are outside the Atlanta region, check out the League of American Bicyclists website for a bicycle safety program near you.

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