
Is “Zero Accident Deaths” an Attainable Goal?

As Atlanta car accident attorneys, we have been very pleased at the fact that there has been a decline in the number of fatalities caused by auto accidents every year, over the past few years.The year 2009 saw the numbers of such auto accident fatalities drop to their lowest levels in decades, with over 33,000 deaths.The federal administration has, in the past, discussed a nationwide initiative to focus on getting those highway accident deaths to zero.The Federal Highway Administration is finally embarking on this ambitious initiative, and has announced its decision to launch an effort called, quite simply, Towards Zero Deaths: A National Strategy on Highway Safety.

The goal aims to create a nationwide strategic highway safety plan that can be implemented with the aim of minimizing highway accident fatalities to the maximum.Last year, a workshop in our very own Savanna, Georgia had safety participants from around the country discussing ways to develop and implement such a plan.More than 70 agencies took part in that workshop, and the discussion was so fruitful, that the Federal Highway Administration has now decided to launch this nationwide effort.

So, what will a program like this include?The plan is to slowly bring about changes to American safety culture by focusing on stronger leadership and community participation.The program aims to include better highway safety through engineering (better construction design and maintenance) enforcement of laws, education of motorists, motorcyclists and pedestrians, stronger emergency medical services to prevent deaths after an accident, stronger public health initiatives, enhanced communication services and other measures.The ultimate goal is to save lives every time there is an accident.

There’s no doubt that Toward Zero Deaths is an extremely ambitious goal, but there is no reason why we need to set our sights low as far as saving lives is concerned.From a Georgia perspective, we believe that easier accessibility to emergency trauma care facilities, stronger enforcement of drunk driving and the new distracted driving laws, and stronger focus on saving motorcyclists’ lives, can go a long way in dramatically minimizing the number of people killed in accidents in Georgia every year.

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