
Investigations Continue into Fatal Cobb County Teen Driver Car Accident

Investigations into a fatal accident in Cobb County that killed 2 teenagers are still being conducted.Investigators are looking at whether vehicle speed played a role in this particular accident.
The accident occurred about 10 days ago, when the driver of a Volvo lost control of his car.The car crashed into a brick sign, and exploded into flames.In the car were the 19-year-old driver and his 18-year-old passenger.Both were killed instantly.

So far, Cobb County police do not believe that alcohol or drugs were factors in this accident.However, toxicology tests will be conducted on the deceased driver.

In general, our young drivers tend to have some of the highest accident risks among all categories of motorists on our roads.This is due to a number of factors, including lack of driving experience, peer pressure, technology distractions, and impulsiveness.

Parents, schools and other communities can help reduce the risk of teen driving accidents.If you have a teenage child, it is important that you discuss safe driving with him or her.Place special emphasis on avoiding dangerous driving behaviors like texting or talking on a cell phone while driving.In fact, our Atlanta car accident lawyers recommend the installation of cell phone blocking and call blocking technologies to restrict your child’s use of the cell phone while driving.Many companies now offer such GPS and sensor-based technologies, which make it impossible for your child to open a text message or receive a cell phone call when the car is in motion.

Also have dedicated rules about driving, and preferably have these rules spelled out clearly in a parent-teen driving contract.This contract should cover the responsibilities and duties of your child, and must also include penalties that will be imposed if he or she breaks the rules.It’s also good to have things that you will commit to do, such as pick them up from any place at any time if they have been drinking or are a passenger in a car with someone who is not capable of driving safely.

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