
Increase in Cost of Dog bite Claims due To Higher Dog Bite Lawsuit Verdicts

New information by the Insurance Information Institute suggests that there has been an increase in the cost of dog bite claims over the past year.The average dog bite claim cost insurers about 5% more in 2010 compared to 2009. Dog bites often result in extremely serious personal injuries. Our office has handled a significant number of dog bite cases in the last 20 years. The injuries from these matters appear to be becoming more and more severe. This may be as a result of more individuals owning dogs for protection or certain breeds that are more likely to attack persons. As an Atlanta injury lawyer, I strongly support the need for obedience training for dogs when they are puppies. I believe this would greatly reduce the number of overall attacks.

The analysis of homeowners’ insurance data by the Insurance Information Institute found that the average cost of dog bite claims in the United States in 2010 was $26,166.That’s an increase of 5.3% from $24,840 in 2009. The cost of dog bite claims increased a staggering 37% between 2003 and 2010.

There was a drop in the number of dog bite claims being filed.These dropped 4.9% from 16,586 claims in 2009 to 15,770 claims in 2010.

The Insurance Information Institute is attributing this increase in the size of dog bite claims to increased medical care costs.However, the bigger factor in the increase in dog bite claims costs over the past year has been the size of verdicts for plaintiffs.According to the Insurance Information Institute, the size of dog bite lawsuit verdicts going in favor of plaintiffs has actually risen well above the rate of inflation over the past year.

Besides, the data also suggests an increase in dog bite hospitalizations in the United States.For instance, a report in 2010 by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality indicated that there was an increase of nearly 100% in the number of Americans being hospitalized for dog bites over a 15-year period.In 1993, 5,100 persons had to be hospitalized after a dog bite.That number had increased to 9,500 persons in 2008.

The Atlanta dog bite attorneys at the Katz Personal Injury Lawyers represent persons injured in dog bite attacks around Atlanta and Georgia.

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