
Improperly Installed Car Seats Increase Risk of Personal Injuries in Car Accidents

Car seats for young children are an extremely important safety device. Every parent recalls having to deal with situation of installing a car seat for the first time or when they get a new car. Unfortunately, far too many car seats are improperly installed,  exposing children in the seats to the risk of potential life – threatening personal injuries in car accidents.

Securing a child in a car seat is an absolute must before any journey.  Most  parents, fortunately, in Georgia, are aware of the need to restrain children in car seats.  Car  seats should not only be used every time for young children, but also must be appropriate to the age and weight of the child.  Many  car seats have been designed to be easy to use,  in order to make it easy for parents to install these seats.  Unfortunately,  even with these easy –to use designs, parents still make errors  in the installation of these car seats.

According  to a new study,   too many seats are being improperly installed, exposing the children in the seats to the risk of potentially catastrophic or even life- threatening  personal injuries in the event of an auto accident.  The researchers looked at seat check data from  between 2015 and 2019, and found that approximately 70% or an overwhelming majority of all the errors involved car seats installed with seat belts. Other errors involved recline angles. About half of the errors involved top tether on forward – facing car seats.  The  tether is an important component of the car seat and is meant to be attached to the vehicle, and according to the study, many parents either fail to secure it or secure it incorrectly.

According to the researchers, it is important for parents to understand that any  car seat – even one that has received a five star rating – must  be installed  properly.  The  researchers recommend that   parents seek professional help when it comes to installing car seats.  Parents  are typically given training on car seat installation before they leave the hospital with the baby, but the researchers recommend that parents use the support of car seat installation technicians.  The  researchers recommend that parents also use professional help when moving  the child from an infant seat to a rear-facing  car seat and again when moving to a forward- facing car seat from a rear – facing seat. Fire departments often will assist new parents with properly installing a car seat.

Children may be at a high risk of personal injuries when the car they are travelling in is involved in an auto accident.  With their smaller frames and more tender bones, children are at risk of personal injuries  that could have potentially life- threatening consequences.  Restraining  the child in an appropriate restraint system can go a long way in helping protect your child against injuries.

The  Atlanta car accident lawyers at Katz Personal Injury lawyers are dedicated to the representation of persons who have suffered injuries  in car accidents in the metro Atlanta region and across the state of Georgia.  If  you or  a loved one have suffered injuries in a car accident, talk to a lawyer at our firm and discuss your options for a claim for damages.  You  may qualify for compensation that includes medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering.  Talk  to an attorney at our firm and discuss your case.  Initial  consultations are free.

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